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How do you like Christian Kids Explore series?

Nancy Ann

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I used the Biology book last year (for 1st) and we are using the Earth and Space book this year (for 2nd). I also like the way they are organized and feel they are appropriate for my son(s). We don't do as many of the projects and very few of the written assignments. I use it more as a narrative to keep a certain flow to our studies. We use lots of additional books, DVDs, and field trips to give a greater interest and depth, but I really like having an outline for what we are studying, as well as color pages and diagrams, clear definitions, etc. We will likely use them again in our second rotation, but with greater emphasis on the projects and writing assignments. My sister has used them with her middle school aged kids, and just supplemented where she felt necessary.

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Nancy, I just posted a reply to your question over at the FIAR board, but I'll answer here, too! We did CKE Bio 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. Bite-size lessons were a real plus for my younger elem. kids. I had a 2nd grader doing it at the time. We just didn't do ALL of the activities and I didn't make him do a ton of writing. We have Earth and Space right now and I was excited to start...until we decided to put the older 3 back in ps. :glare: I have a 3rd grader, 1st and Preker to teach but I am going to hold off on the E&S b/c I really just need an easier year. FIAR science, combined with the simple, fun experiments in MFW K will do just fine for us this year. If you feel you need more science and would like to take a year to study one topic more in depth...I give CKE a thumbs up...especially b/c it is written from a Creationist view.

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I am thinking of using it as sort of a narrative as well. I am also thinking of purchasing the Biology and the Earth and Science and use it as a resource for when these topics come up with Five in a Row. Five in a Row has ALOT of science topics and normally we have been just getting some books form the library but I kind of like the idea of having a Christian perspecitve on some of this and I just like to have a curriculum that will remind my son AND ME of God's hand in all this.

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