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LLATL and WT together


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I bought Writing Tales 1 because I really liked the looks of if for my 4th grader. Then later I was given LLATL orange book. In another thread someone had told me they didn't think WT was enough. Then someone else told me that LLATL and WT together would be really good because what one missed the other would pick up.


Looking at them, I can't really see where one has any more than the other, except WT uses fables and LLATL uses peotry and lit. I don't see that WT is not enough, it has grammar as well as writing. It would be nice to combine both types of literature, but as far as grammar and writing, it seems like their content is not that much different. But I could be wrong , this will be our first year doing this type of schooling.


Anyhow, I'm debating between just doing WT, or doing them both together just because it would expose her to more types of literature. If we do them together, how would be the best way to do it? It seems like doing them both every day would be a little much. They're both laid out to be done 5 days a week.



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I guess it depends on your def. of "enough". I did WT with LLATL for my 5th grader last year. I wanted more writing than LLATL provided so that is why I added WT. There is grammar in WT and many use WT alone. IMHO, it would be enough. If I were to choose one...WT would probably win b/c it does have more writing involved. I liked LLATL for the short lessons and all-inclusiveness as well as the dictation/copywork and book studies. Since you already have it...could you just use the book studies portion along with WT? Perhaps choose a few of the dictation exercises if you are so inclined? HTH a bit...seems to me I was about as clear as mud but my brain is on overload right now!

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