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Into the Wild has anyone else see this warning this thread may contain spoilers

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I watched this last evening. My dh wasn't interested so I watched it alone. Wow this gives you a lot to think about on a lot of different levels. I had a parent who did a real head job number on me, and I can understand the want/need to escape from that. Although I would not have gone to the extreme he did. My heart really went out to his sister. I am curious if anyone here has seen the movie and what you thought.

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I love Jon Krakauer and read Into the Wild when it was published years ago. I enjoyed the movie and after seeing it, I reread the book. Both Sean Penn and Krakauer had a bias toward McCandless and presented him in a sympathetic light. I felt that way, too, when I read the book the first time. I had a different response to him this time around, though, perhaps due to my own aging as a parent. I felt a great deal of annoyance with and anger toward Chris and his self-centered behavior. Which isn't to say I didn't like the movie; it was very well done.


Have you read the book? Penn left out some pretty interesting details out of his film.

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**Spoiler in here**


I read the book a few months ago and felt the same as Colleen on her 2nd time through it. I found the young man very immature and he had such a hypocritcal denial of his need for others even though it was that dependence upon, and relationship with, other people that allowed him to continue on his existential little journey and get as far as he did.


I don't know if I could watch the film now that I now how he's portrayed. I DO feel terrible that he didn't survive, but not as much as if he'd made better choices and been less self-centered and stubborn. However, I believe that he may have had some slight mental instability working against him as well and so I do have sympathy for him and his family.

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I have not read the book yet. I got it out on audio yesterday. I think our stage as a parent probably really affects how we view this story and the movie. One part of me wants to hold his parent responsible, and another can't even imagine the pain they must feel. I understand how it feels to not be able to emotionally deal with a parent and just want to run away and not have them influence our lives anymore. I have had some deeply painful personally experiences in this regard. I can't imagine taking it to the point that he did though.

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I have not seen the movie yet, but plan to do so. Something you said though really struck a cord with me. I have never been able to watch a movie the same way I did before I had my kids. Even the silliest movie effects me in a different way. Some I can't even watch, or I leave the theater devastated.

I wonder if this will change once they have grown; I somehow think not.

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I have not read the book yet. I got it out on audio yesterday.


Who reads the audio version? I admit, I can't do audio books. Funny that I spend some much time reading aloud to my own children, because on my own time, I want silence when I'm reading. Go figure!


I understand how it feels to not be able to emotionally deal with a parent and just want to run away and not have them influence our lives anymore. I have had some deeply painful personally experiences in this regard. I can't imagine taking it to the point that he did though.


I hear you. The parents come across quite differently in the book than they do in the movie, though. Actually, after seeing the movie, I wondered why on earth these people would consent to having themselves portrayed like that.


Thanks for posting again; I know my reply came a bit after the fact and it's hard to keep up when threads are buried several pages back.

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Who reads the audio version? I admit, I can't do audio books. Funny that I spend some much time reading aloud to my own children, because on my own time, I want silence when I'm reading. Go figure!








Well my reading an audio book didn't sound real bright now did it. I struggle with audio books too. I usually fall asleep on them and then can't find were I was. I was desprite at the library though, because they didn't have it in book form. I will probably just request the book and wait for it to come in.

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