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Steroids and Immunity

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I posted this yesterday, but rephrased the title in hopes of more responses. I know we should call his doctor, but we're behind on payments (big insurance fight) and I'm hesitant to call.


My son fell ill in February with optic neuropathy. Since then he has been on 3 courses of IV steroids (two in the hospital, one on home-health care). The last course was followed by about 2 months of oral steroids with a slow taper. We have an appt. with the neuro-opthomologist (sp?) in September.


Question: I know he was immuno-compromised while on the steroids. How long is it before his immune system is fully restored? I ask because of the swine flu epidemic, and the fact I signed him up for, and volunteered for, a homeschool co-op.


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How much is he on currently and what type? I have been on and off steroids for years and have never had increased infection rate. Now I have been on another stronger medication that sent me to the hospital but never with corticosteroids. Unless it is a really high dose, I think he will be fine with co-ops and such like. I know that I lived a normal life with my steroids and my youngest has been prescribed steroids when she had active infections a few times.

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