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What do you say to condescending adults who....

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I have to chime in here.


My kids, especially my dd, are painfully, exasperatingly shy. I makes me crazy, really, because they are not like me at all. We work on responding when spoken to, and how it might be sort of cute for a 5 year old to not respond, but when you are 9 - not so much. But the reality is that I can not change them. I can not (and will not) punish them into being different little people than who they are.


My daughter would absolutely panic and then freeze if put on the spot about math facts! I'm not kidding when I say it would be painful to watch her squirm and not know what to do. The anxiety of the situation is what would make her blank on the answer!! She has trouble if she's asked something simple like "do you like swimming?" by a stranger. Not only that, but she has a stutter, which is even more pronounced when she's put on the spot.



my dd1 is too! one time a man was talking to her in the store (she was 2 but looked 4) and I told her to say "thank you"...well, shy people don't want to say anything! so I just said "we're working on it" meaning manners...he said, don't worry, it will all come when she goes to school...he thought she was unable to talk!!! hello! just because someone is shy does not mean they cannot talk! She was beginning to read for goodness sakes!

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It blows my mind when strangers interrogate children for any reason. I also have a painfully shy ds5. He is even shy around extended family. I have had to tell people to stop talking to him, as they are only making the situation worse. If it's a stranger, my son will fuse his body into the flesh of my legs and start sobbing about wanting to go home. It's extremely difficult to handle, and when the interrogator doesn't catch a clue and leave him alone, I have to say something.


And at the PO, I would have acted completely flabbergasted and said, "


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She then then hung her head and said " I guess she is smart (:001_huh::confused::mad:). I'm amazed, she didn't even have to sound it out."



Take the compliment and smile big. Answer with a gushing "Thank you! My daughter really is great."



My 5 yr old must sound out words and he's homeschooled. ;):tongue_smilie:


I do understand what you're saying though. It's maddening when people feel they have the right to test a child's ability.


We've had this happen once so far. A school teacher even. She clearly is anti-homeschooling....very much so. She really was trying to spot a weakness in the answers ds gave her. I was so shocked I couldn't even respond at first. Then I cut her off and told ds to get his shoes on.


I think I'm going to have my kids just say, "Sorry, no pop quizzes."

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