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Question about Primary Doctor again

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I took your suggestions, and was referred to two PC Dr.s. One, I already know and have met by going with my grandmother when she was at her office. She knows her stuff, but I found her bedside manner to be less then desireable. But I do like her staff.


The other one, I know nothing about. But she came recommended by two nurses.


I did make a new PT Appt with the second one, but it is not until Oct. The first Dr, that I already "kind of" know, I had made an appt in Sept.


I would really love to just pop in and speak with this second Dr I do not know. Just to get a feel for her. Becuase, if I don't like her my other alternative is to see the Dr. I kind of know.


I wish the Dr I never met had an appt prior to the one I have for the 1st Doc.


So, I guess my question is, would it be rude to call and just see if I can have a 10 min, greeting with the new Dr, before I get all into this new Dr visit? Because I need a BP check, and some bloodwork, and why do all that if I really do not like her? KWIM?




Can you do that, without actually making a new PT appt?

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I don't know if you can do that without making a "new patient" appointment, but it is certainly appropriate to want to meet someone, discuss their approach, etc., and generally get a feel for them before you hire them to oversee your health care.


I would absolutely call both offices and ask if you can make a non-medical appointment to meet the doctor, explaining that you want to get a feel for the doctor's style, etc, that you are not looking for medical treatment at this time and that you will be happy to keep the future "new patient" appointment for a complete history and whatnot if you find that your approaches are compatible.


The worst they can say is no.

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you could try calling the office and asking about cancellations, saying you really just want to meet the doctor, not have a full appointment and that you can come with 1 hrs notice..... we've had great success that way, even for regular appointments.




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