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I am thinking of using OMT and answer key instead of EG 6. We have been very light on Grammar these past years, and since dd is 11, I want to have one good year of Grammar, and then really start focusing more on the Lit/Writing.


Can a person, like myself, who is "good" in Grammar, but really "stinks" in diagramming, do this program?(I do have Mary Daly's book, but I really do not want to "add" another LA book to our already heavy schedule)


If you look in my siggy line, this is our line-up. Somehow, I get the feeling we may be way overboard on Language Arts.


We are doing SWO G. But no Vocabulary since I will assume that our Latin program will help with that? Or no?



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Hmmm, OMT is pretty hefty. I used it more for myself to help explain things to dd last year. This year I am doing EEL from Classical Conversations and plan to add some OMT for her. She has done rigorous grammar from 3rd grade up and will be in 6th. I love the book, it is very demanding though imo. HTH at least a little.:)




ETA: I don't know SWO G so I can't answer your ? wrt too much LA.

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Well, we have not done any "formal" grammar other then the Grammar in IEW.


As far as vocab, I will keep SWO G, as that can be used as a vocab program as well as Spelling.


Maybe we can give it a try. I am a little nervous about it. So if I come back in yelling and pulling my hair out, you will know why:D



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