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Talk about gas prices below...can't the government do something about this?

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Tutor and Heather-


Looking around on the internet (just for fun) I think Montana may be one of our better bets. I really *hate* the cold but we need someplace where water won't be an issue. There seem to be several large ranches/farms that are naturally irrigated and up for sale.


:lol: My dh and his friend have joked for YEARS about moving there.


I think the cows would respond nicely to the dulcet tones of the bassoon. Yes?


Sorry to hijack this rather serious thread with double-reed humor.:D You may now return to your regularly scheduled discussion. . . .

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I think it's rather that we are so unused to economizing that we "feel" more pinched than the rest of the world. The amount and degree of gratuitous luxury in our lives--and by "us," I mean anybody lower middle class and above--is staggering compared to the rest of the world. And at least mildly astonishing compared even to the rest of the developed world.


I know, isn't it great. We have the responsibility and freedom to make more of our own choices, and know that we are accountable for the outcome.

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There is more public transportation there, and people actually use it. I don't think the majority of people there live as lavishly as many Americans do. We are just incredibly lucky, or maybe spoiled, depending on how you look at it.

Michelle T


There is some pure geography and scale that comes into play regarding public transportation. The pure size and population distribution make larger scale public transportation systems less doable in the US.

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