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Classical education for pre-K-3rd grade


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You can get a pretty good deal on Sonlight used. That is how I'm able to do it. I purchase the guide used. Then I get a lot of my books on paperbackswap.com and the library. It ends up costing me maybe $100. You can also find on Homeschoolclassifieds.com and the swap board here where you can buy whole cores used as well. There is History Odyssey that is cheaper, but not as interesting as Sonlight. They expect that you check most books out at the library. Also lovedtodeath a homeschool mom that posts on here has written Ancient Explorations http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=886236


As for science, again you could find Sonlight's science used. Also there is a new program out called Science Excursion. It looks good. It doesn't follow the WTM science cycle. Noeo would follow the cycle and you could get a lot of the books at the library or purchase it used. Real Science Odyssey follows the cycle and we are enjoying it. It has a book list to check out from the library if you want to, but you don't have to.


If you need suggestions for the other subjects I can list some things for you.

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Can anyone recommend a classical ed. curriculum for pre-K to 3rd grade? I know about Sonlight but it is too expensive for me. I am looking to spend $200-400 /year.


LCC is pretty inexpensive at that age. Without revealing Drew's picks (since that'd be copyright infringement, or at least obnoxious), here are the price breakdowns for the top LCC choices for K-2. If you have a library (but need to buy anything that you use for more than six weeks), and buy all your books used...


Phonics - $20

Math - $18 - $36

Latin starting in grade 2 - $33 - $40

copywork and composition - free on the 'net to $23

Literature - $35 the most expensive year between K & 3

Religion - $65 the most expensive year

History - $40 in the most expensive year

Geography - $30 at the most

Nature study - too variable to guess, but I'd want to spend at least $30


Adding that up, the most you'll spend in any given year doing classical education straight out of the second edition of The Latin-Centered Curriculum, in grades K-3, is $319.

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WOW thanks for that LCC curriculum. I have never heard about but I love the samples !

I like living books too , now I am not sure what to choose !


After 3-4th , I am planning to use something more comprehensive and possibly less teacher intensive ... I don't know yet , maybe Christian Light Education or A Beka ?

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