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community service projects

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What kind of community service projects do your kids do? I would like my ds 10, to do something to temper the "gimme's" that seems to be coming with the nearing of Christmas. We just told him about "Santa", so now he knows the gifts are from us. He is already creating a long list of stuff he wants. We have never had this problem with any of them. When we take them to the store and say "no, you can't have that", it's never been a problem. So, now what?

Thanks for your help.

Hot Lava Mama

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We often do one of these programs:


Operation Shoebox (gives to deployed members of the military)


Operation Christmas Child (run by Samaritan's purse, gives to children around the world)


My kids help me volunteer for our local food bank, we've volunteered ar nursing homes, there is plenty of need in most communities for good volunteers.

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On Saturday nights, we go to Panera Bread at closing time and take the bread and bagels they're throwing away. Then we bag it up and give it to neighborhood families and panhandlers.


We seem to make a habit of opening our home to people who need somewhere to stay (traveling punk bands, friends whose houses aren't ready to move into, etc) and the kids are involved in cleaning, making space for them, serving food, etc.


Our church puts together relief kits that MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) distributes. The kids have gone shopping with me to get things and we've talked about why it's needed. http://mcc.org/kits/


In the past, I've done Meals on Wheels and taken the kids along with me. I don't do it anymore because I do childcare at home.

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