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Anyone else leave a trail?

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DH says I leave a trail of post-it notes around the house. These do not have notes on them I just use them for bookmarks. He said this in a fun way. I thought it was funny too and well it is true. I am considering taking this afternoon off from school to clean or I may create a trail of post it notes for him to follow that have funny messages written on them or something. :D

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I'm often reading several books at once, there is always a trail of books around the house, from wherever I put one down when I finished reading it. This is actually a bad habit, because I am always asking dh and the children 'have you seen such and such book?'. Dh can't make fun of me, though, because he leaves trails, too...of clothes! He starts shedding clothes at the back door, and they end either at the bed or the couch in the evenings, wherever he is intending on relaxing once he changes into his shorts or pj pants.

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LOL at the DH and a trail of clothes, mine does the same thing. Bleh to dirty socks in the family room!


I don't leave a trail so much as a pile of watch, necklace, earrings, book and glasses on the ottoman in the family room when I fall asleep on the couch. DH wakes me to go up to bed and helps me gather my droppings LOL!

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all have notes on them. I just know the person who invented Post-it-notes will have a special seat in heaven! :D


My ds is the main trail-leaver in our house. It is always something random, but I will find some toy left on the floor for about a week in various places throughout the house and then the next week it will be something else!

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