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What is your favorite Bible for early readers?

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I also like the NlrV, I think it's called--it's the NIV but written at a lower level. I think there's a version called The Explorer's Bible. We are making a bible lapbook, and when we finish, I'll be giving dd7 a bible, too--hopefully in her Easter basket! Great minds...LOL

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I also like the NlrV, I think it's called--it's the NIV but written at a lower level. I think there's a version called The Explorer's Bible. We are making a bible lapbook, and when we finish, I'll be giving dd7 a bible, too--hopefully in her Easter basket! Great minds...LOL


My dd loved the NIrV. I think it is written at a 3rd grade level.

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DS9 and DD6 either read aloud or listen to me. They both enjoy it, and look forward to it! It is chronological (unlike some portions of the Bible), but mostly in Books of the Bible order (Genesis first, then Exodus, etc.). So for example, during the story in Samuel 1 of David running from King Saul, they insert (with reference though) some of Psalm because these were songs David wrote in reference to whatever was happening to him at the time of his story. It actually makes tons of sense for the kids.




FWIW, the author who did this Day By Day Bible also did several other books (including a younger kids' Bible). We have her book "Sword Fighting" which is a devotional book, which often references her Day By Day Bible. I like the Sword Fighting book, but we did get off of it for some reason. I think we'll go back to it eventually, b/c it's laid out nicely.


HTH and GL! - Stacey in MA

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