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FLL & WWE placement questions

SS in MD

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My 8 yo dd used GWG 2 last year. She needed more review and a lot more explainations. I didn't used FLL 1/2 because it was all auditory and dd has a hard time focusing and needed a workbook. Sooo, this year I wanted to try FLL 3 since there is a workbook and I like the added fun activities. I also wanted to add in WWE. But not sure what level to purchase to go along with FLL 3. She's done copywork, no dictation, she will summarize orally with my help (I give her leading questions) and I will write it down and she copies it onto her history notebook. I had a few questions -


1) I noticed on PHP website, WWE 3 is not released yet, any idea when it will be published?


2) Do the exercises in WWE 3 match up/re-enforce FLL 3? If so, would it be better to purchase WWE 3 or would WWE 2 match up as well? I've read on some previous posts FLL 1 matches w/WWE 1, FLL 2 matches w/WWE 2, etc. Can someone clarify?...


3) Does anyone know what type of writing dc should be able to do to prior to starting WWE 3?


Thanks very much!

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I have a 9 year old daughter, 3rd grade, and I started her in FLL 3. (This is her first "formal" grammar. ) I also started her in WWE 2. She was a bit of a late bloomer and is just now really getting comfortable reading simple chapter books. Her writing level is pretty basic too. She has no problem with copy work, but this is her first real dictation experience.


She is doing great, and those levels seem just right! I have been pleasantly surprised at how she has taken to it...


WWE 2 is not too "easy". It is challenging her, but in a good way.



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WWE 3 is coming out this August. I think Amazon has the release date posted.


I think if your dd has never done dictation, you would want to start with WWE2, anyway. WWE2 also works on getting the student to summarize a passage, so that should be a good fit as well.


I don't think you should have any problems with FLL3 and WWE2 "matching up", but I've not done these two together, so perhaps someone with more experience will post.

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