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Private home school...

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I know some of you here have a private school you run from your home. Could you please tell me how you do it and how you got started? What do you teach? What grades? How many hours? How much do you charge? Any helpful information you could share would be most appreciated as I consider this option.

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Free :)


I'm just getting started. I got my first student last Spring. I decided he needed classmates and so chose a name, asked a few questions (but it's really easy in Texas), and went for it. Word of mouth is big. I do have business cards and put some ads in the paper (Sunday plus the classifieds-only that come on Wednesdays in the mail).


I decided to accept K-3 this year though I prefer K-2 this first year (and it looks like that is how it'll be. I'm using a nearby school district's school calendar so the kids will have the same daycare schedule (one little boy will go to daycare afterschool on Tues and Thurs and school breaks that Tues and Thurs fall on). My hours are 8:30 to 2:40. I chose my charge based on the nearest private school. It's $4000/yr (though I am discounting this first year since parents can't pay over 12 months starting in June if they sign up this summer). There is also a registration/materials fee. The curriculum looks very much like any signature on here would suggest. If you go to my school's website, you can look at the Our Philosophy page. It's basically a pretty solid Classical Curriculum.


Things you won't find on my website yet: the yearly calendar--I will get that up soon. The registration paperwork including Tuition Agreement is not yet up either. I'd be smart to get that up so parents can print it out instead of me doing so. The whole parent-handbook isn't up but the main parts are. And I'm sure I'll have many more pics as time goes on :)


School starts Aug 26th :)

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