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Does Anyone Use Studystack.com?


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I would like to create vocabulary flashcards for Latin Prep Book 1 according to chapters. I opened an account with studystack.com, but it doesn't have any instructions on how to get started entering the data!! :confused:


Can anyone explain to me how to get started creating a stack?

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click "create stack"

click "edit stack options" to name your stack

click save

click "add edit cards"

click "add cards"

Flap 1 is the front of the card, Flap 2 is the back

Enter your information

click save

click done if there are no mistakes, if there are mistakes edit them

Under the yellow rectangle you will see items such as "Flash Cards" Hangman" "Matching" "Word Search" choose one to play a game with the stack you just made.

You can click on "My Studystack" to see all your stacks




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How exactly does a study stack work? Is the front of the flap the vocab word and the inside for the translation? If so, how do I get the translation to be on the inside of the flap?


This is probably glaringly obvious, but I don't get it. :o


When I click on add card, do I type the Latin word in the first field and the translation in the second, or do I type the translation in the same field as the Latin word?



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Here is a link to my Latin Prep Bk 1 Ch 1 vocabulary study stack: Latin Prep Vocab Study Stack


This study stack will generate all sorts of activities such as matching, crossword, flashcards etc.


The data lends itself better to some activities than others.


If anyone uses it and sees some mistakes or has some suggestions to improve the stack, let me know and I'll edit it.


I hope to add the next three chapters worth of vocab shortly and then will add as we go. Hope this can benefit some other Latin Prep users! :)

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Good job Meliss. :) I'm not a Latin prep person, but I wanted to ask a question. When students are introduced to Latin vocabulary are they given the genitive ending as well as the nominative? For example, "nauta, nautae." If the program does include both I would put the genitive ending on the cards.

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Hi Karen


Thanks for your instructions above! Yes, LP does include the genitive ending, but not in the first chapter. Now that I think about it, including genitive endings might throw a wrench in the works as far as how study stack works when generating the activities. I will have to check out other Latin program stacks to see how others have handled it. Do you have any thoughts on this potential problem?

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How would it throw a wrench in? One flap would have "nauta, nautae" and the other would have "sailor." I don't think it's important to put the genitive translation. Hmm, I guess now that I think about it I would say it depends on your goals. If it's a strictly vocabulary stack I would do as I described above, if it's a stack to test translation or endings then each card would have one ending with the translation on the back.

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