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I need to find a swimsuit that actually fits, what stores have people that can fit me

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I've always bought Speedos because they fit the upper portion of my body ( I have NO chest to speak of), but I do have hips-not gigantic ones, but hips that I would like to cover to counteract my small upper body.


I've gone to Dillards to have help in fitting bras, are there stores out there that can help in fitting swimsuits?




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I don't know of any stores that fit swimsuits.


Lands' End does have custom-fitted suits.


The way they do that is:


First, determine your bra size (they tell you how).


Then determine your regular swimsuit size by waist, hips and torso measurements.


Then you look up your regular swimsuit size and select a "custom" suit from that, based on your bra size.


That way, you can get a suit that fits both your upper and lower body.


Lands' End will let you return it, too. I couldn't find a return policy that exempts custom clothing.



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It sounds like we have similar body types -- hips wider than shoulders, no chest really. I have a suit that I got a few years ago from JC Penney that I like. It has a tankini kind of top, and the bottoms are board shorts. So it covers my hiney and hips and flatters my legs.


I once got a pair of board shorts from Eddie Bauer too. But that was a while ago.


Anywhooooo, just tossing in my 2-cents.:)

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