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Day planners

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Which day planner do you all use? I can never find one with enough room to write out what I need for all my hatchlings. I tried using iCalendar on the Mac (and a few other free web tools), but that isn't so swell for me, either. I'm more of a pen to paper person for that stuff.


So, is there a great planner out there that I'm missing out on, or a trick that I'm ignorant of?

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Generally speaking, I'm a paper and pen girl, too. I've migrated to Google calendar over the past year, though, mostly because I could convince my husband to also use it and we can then each see the other's calendar and avoid conflicts resulting in one of us forgetting to mark the other's thing in our own book. I sync mine with my Blackberry (he does, too), so it's always up to date.


Otherwise, I really loved my Day-Timer. When I worked professionally, I used the 2 page per day version. When I stopped working outside the home, I went to the 2 page per week. My kids have less affection for planning meetings and conference calls than my clients did. ;)

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