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Six Months Ago and Inward/Outward Looking!

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Howdy Hivers!


Just giving a round of love and applause to our Boardie Pastors, PW and people in church leadership. :hurray: :thumbup:


I really love our church family, pastors, leadership team but I'm still coming to terms with how much my life has become inward looking in terms of church life.


In January 09, our pastors asked me to come on staff to bring some leadership to our Children's Ministry. It's only part-time (10 hrs/wk); I love the little people; managing the scheduling; serving our "Little People Lovers" but I just had no idea how much my church life/experience would change.


On Sunday mornings, I'm in "serve & love" mode and my own church experience has really changed. We have a great church with good-willed people and beyond lovely pastors and I feel deeply supported as I find my feet in this. Part of me is deeply grieving how church "used to be" - I could go, sit, listen, pray for people (or not) but it seemed like I was more outward looking in my church experience. Advancing the Kingdom and partnering with God outside church seems to take a backseat now, simply because I'm so busy with keeping things rolling inside the church walls.


I didn't realize how much personal effort it would take to make sure stuff didn't stick to me and to have the wisdom to know what to speak up about and what to let fly. It's been a steep learning curve.


I know some of you here can relate. I only do this part-time and not for a long time. For you folks that live life as ministry in a full-time church setting - hats off.


Warmly, Tricia

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Just remember you ARE advancing the Kingdom by ministering to those littles and the ones who support them.

There are those who show people Christ as savior, and those who show him as sustainer. Both are important.


Do make sure you take time for your own spiritual needs--if not in Sunday Morning Church, then definitely other times. THere are those who will tell you that gathering with others to worship just isn't necessary, but I believe we are created to worship both alone and in community. I find retreating gives me time to worship in a community in a way I can't do on Sun am. Hope you find something that works for you.


One more little thing--Dh is often told that it's easy for him to do God's work, since he's a priest, and it's his job. He says ministry needs to be a way of living, not something done on Sunday. He's like an "unschooling Christian"--just as unschoolers weave school into the everyday, he thinks Christians need to stop compartmentalizing ministry and let it be a lifestyle--realizing parenting, working at a job, spending money, etc--all the daily stuff--can be done walking with the Lord.

Edited by Chris in VA
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Hey Chris, thanks for your pearls. I'm definitely still in the process of figuring how I can meet with Jesus, both personally and in community while also being super busy Sunday mornings.


I understand that Jesus meets with us and we with Him 24/7 -- this isn't a church thing on a Sunday morning but a lifestyle.


It's just harder than I imagined. I was pretty spoiled in my Sunday morning church experience but I feel honoured to partner with our leaders and give more of myself into the Kingdom Work!


It's just a transition.

I knew some of you here would get that, all the way!

In the wee early morning hours when I couldn't sleep and dh was snoring peacefully, I snuck down here and found a forum to say: "ahhhhhhhhh, this is harder than I thought!"


Warmly, Tricia

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