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Jericho television series safe for kids?

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Is the television series Jericho safe for kids (ages 10 and 15)? Mostly I'm concerned about nudity and bedroom scenes. I've never heard of the show, but found it on Netflix, however, they do not detail as to why it has a PG-14 rating, which giving the content of the show, could be for violence/peril only. Thanks in advance!


NETFLIX DESCRIPTION: Jericho (Season 1) This CBS entry into the serial drama genre revolves around a small town in Kansas that finds itself cut off from the rest of the world after a mushroom cloud appears on the horizon, and a TV and radio blackout ensues. Has there been a terrorist attack or a preemptive nuclear strike? Faced with terrifying uncertainty, the town -- including the mayor (Gerald McRaney) and his prodigal son (Skeet Ulrich) -- begins to come apart at its seams.

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I've watched episodes occasionally, so I'm probably not too accurate. I enjoyed the series, but I didn't watch it with children (even your aged children) in mind. I can't think that I saw any bedroom scenes or nudity. I think violence may be an issue. It's supposed to take place in a post-United States/post-nuclear bomb time period, vigilante justice, fending for yourself, people banding together to re-build their lives type of thing. Kind of reminded me (the atmosphere) of the first Terminator movie, minus the robots. But, as I said, I didn't watch too many episodes. I was disappointed when they canceled it, though.

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We've seen the whole series (we own it). Any bedroom scenes (and there just a couple that I can recall), were not explicit, but the idea of what was going to happen or what just happened was obvious. Of more concern to me for your kids was the storyline of infidelity -- two of the main characters had been having an ongoing affair for a time and was central to the plot during quite of a few of the first episodes. The family talks about the infidelity a lot -- not condoning it, mind you, but there was some sympathy. Also there is talk about s*x between some older teens and an dating/engaged couple. I would not say, however, that s*x is a main focus of the series at all.


For sure, it is PG-14 because of peril, vigilantism, violence and standard TV swearing. My husband and I think it is one of the best series in recent years as a springboard for political discussion.

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