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Standardized Testing - IOWA (ITBS) question

Wee Pip

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My dd is in the middle of 3rd gr material. I would like to order the IOWA (ITBS) test soon for her - it will be her first year testing. This is not required by my state, we just want to know how she is doing comparatively, and where we need to improve. I'm trying to decide whether I should order the CogAt, as well. Since it is our first year testing, should I just do the ITBS for the experience, and then maybe try the CogAt with ITBS next year? Or do you recommend using the CogAt with ITBS? I'm wondering if our 1st testing year is going to be a flop and if it would even be worth getting the CogAt? (BTW, my husband will administer the test)

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I think the CogAT is very useful -- but since this is your first time testing, and the ITBS is pretty long (we usually do it over three mornings), it might be a good idea to wait till next time. I don't think either way would be *wrong*, but do you have 4 half-days to spend testing? (Of course, with just one student, if she works quickly and you stop each section when she's done rather than waiting for time to run out, it may go much quicker...)


The CogAT *is* quite different, and that makes it sort of fun... And I do find the results revealing (especially when combined with the ITBS)...


Fat lot of help I am, huh? ;)

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