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Undecided about Language Arts..please help


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My DS is in 6th gade. He's done Shurley 2 (I think) 3, 4, 5. We skipped writing assignments this past year. Decided not to do Shurley 6. DS is great always does excellent on the weekly tests. However, this doesn't carry over into his deveryday writing. Oh and he absolutely hates writing.


This year I already plan on using

Writing: Wordsmith Apprentice

Grammar: Editor in Chief Software

Vocab: English from the Roots Up and Wordly Wise (maybe)


Okay....I am also thinking about using Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. Do you think this is necessary or would be too much. and If I use it should I use EG/DG 6 or 7plus?

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This past year my DS did Easy Grammar Plus AND Editor in Chief. There really was not an overlap with those two. His IOWA test results came in today and there was a large increase in his punctuation/capitalization/spelling scores --- I would like to claim that it was due to all those Editor in Chief exercises he did.


Now, for carry-over, well it is still slow in coming. However, by years end he was doing a better job in proof-reading his own work. While he didn't catch all his errors he was catching more of them.


I think doing both English from the Roots Up and Wordly Wise might be overkill unless he does not have a foreign language course too. Even then it might be overkill.



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My DS(16) used to hate writing also. We did Shurley as well. He completed Wordsmith Apprentice, Wordsmith and a few others but it just didn't stick. We tried IEW but he liked to be more creative. Looking back I wish I could have used a program such a Writing Tales or Classical Writing because then there is a model to follow. Whatever you use, just keep him writing, the more writing he does the better he will get (don't give into his complaining). And the more he reads the better writer he will become. My son's writing is improving now that he sees the importance of it but it's taken some time. HOH:001_smile:

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