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Questions about CLE Language Arts

Annie Laurie

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This looks very traditional which may not be a bad thing for us this year, but I'm wondering:


1) Do you have to add a separate writing program? It looks like CLE is mostly grammar, spelling, and handwriting. I don't see any copy work or dictation. This is for 2nd and 3rd grade.


2) How long does each lesson take? From the sample I looked at, it looks like one lesson covers quite a few different things.


3) Do the inside pages state the grade level or is it only written on the cover?



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CLE's LA follows a spiral approach like their math. They do cover several topics in a lesson but its not a bad thing that's for sure. My oldest barely has had any grammar instruction and did the 300 level this year. She scored at a late 4th grade level in her standardized test this year. Not bad at all.


I use a seperate writing program. There is some writing but its not a writing program if that makes any sense. I used Writing Tales with my daughters and it worked well. The CLE LA seems to really focus more on grammar, spelling, and handwriting in the early levels.


It depends on how long it takes your child. My oldest could complete a full lesson in about 15 minutes on a good day. Meaning she didn't piddle around, or stall. The lessons review concepts from previous lessons so there are different subjects in one lesson. By doing so though it really cements those concepts in.


The page cover will have a number. This is a level, not a grade level. As a CLE rep once stated, "the numbers are put on the covers for brick and mortar schools. If your a homeschooler pay no attention to them and allow your child to progress at their own rate". There are no grade level numbers on the inside of the book.


Also be sure to have your child take the placement tests(you can find them on CLE"s website online for free) and this will properly place your child to where they need to be in the program. I find for older children if they haven't had grammar instruction that you can easily start with the 300 series and work your way up from there.

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Thanks Tracy, that was a big help. One more question: I noticed when looking at CLE grade 2 LA that there is the option of buying a set of answer keys for the light units and also an option of a teacher's guide with answers. The teacher's guide was a lot less money- is there anything I would miss by not purchasing the set of answer keys?

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No you won't miss out on anything at all. All of the answers are in the answer keys. The answer keys are sold seperately for families that want their students to correct their work on their own. They are not a necessity until your child reaches level 400 and above.

So feel free to buy just the teachers manual.

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We are trying CLE LA for the first time and really like it. I foolishly thought I could just buy the light units and would "know" the answers and save myself 12 bucks (or whatever it was) on the teacher's guide. :D The first lesson's odd terminology hit me like a freight train ("Ring the Vowels," the instructions said). :tongue_smilie: One light unit had How to Address an Envelope to Canada... I think it was more of a geographical disparity, but I immediately ordered the teacher's manual with answers.

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We are trying CLE LA for the first time and really like it. I foolishly thought I could just buy the light units and would "know" the answers and save myself 12 bucks (or whatever it was) on the teacher's guide. :D The first lesson's odd terminology hit me like a freight train ("Ring the Vowels," the instructions said). :tongue_smilie: One light unit had How to Address an Envelope to Canada... I think it was more of a geographical disparity, but I immediately ordered the teacher's manual with answers.


That sounds like something that would happen to me! :D

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We are trying CLE LA for the first time and really like it. I foolishly thought I could just buy the light units and would "know" the answers and save myself 12 bucks (or whatever it was) on the teacher's guide. :D .... but I immediately ordered the teacher's manual with answers.

Ditto for me as well. I now have to order the teacher's guide to help me to help my student. Being new to CLE I should've known I'd need the extra help.

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