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Birthday present for a snotty teenager?

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This was interesting to read. I have two 15yo daughters and asked them. Their first response was simply to cancel the time with the friends.


I asked my daughter what she thinks I would do if she asked for a new iPod, when she already has one, because she has too much music. The conclusion was that I would say no but not until I got off the floor from laughing. (One has an iPod she saved for off ebay. It's used and has limited storage but since she has no money for CDs or iTune purchases, it has plenty of room.)


My point with this is simply a lighthearted way of suggesting that perhaps she's developed an unfortunate entitlement mentality that my kids can only dream of with our budget. She cannot value what she has if it's handed to her on a platter. If this is an ongoing battle, consider supplying nothing more than what the law requires - food, clothing, shelter. She can work for whatever else she wants.


This can apply some to friends. She has aligned her identity and loyalty with them, not with her family. Perhaps she needs to look at them as a privilege as well, not an entitlement. My daughters would love to spend more time with their friends also, but they have commitments with the family that take priority. When they can be with their friends, they are all the more excited.




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That is such a good way to look at it!! I so appreciate the word "capacity" now!! I don't have much to offer the mom except prayers for patience, but I sure like what Jean said!! :) Wise!!!


Me too. I am going to be using this word "capacity" more often. Awesome.

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