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American Lit - James Stobaugh

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My dh and I looked at Stobaugh's books at a fair a while back.... didn't like them, but can't remember why. See what others say, though.


I have used A Beka and BJU for high school lit and have liked them. My 10th grader is going to do A Beka World Literature this year. My son did it years ago and liked it.

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Hi Katie,

Well.....I am all over the boards trying to figure that out myself! I have done Chalkdust Traditional Geometry, and own it. My son did it, don't remember loving it (but I don't love Geometry), but he got good SAT scores in geometry. But my daughter has done BJU since the 3rd grade and is used to their format and has done well with it. I'm not thrilled about the BJU Geometry book, but with the DVDs it may be fine. I am all about if it isn't broken, don't fix it. If your 10th grader likes Saxon and does well with it, I would stick with that format. I have not done Saxon since 76, but from what I have read here, you have two options depending on how far you are taking math with Saxon. Saxon Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Advanced Math all have geometry in them, and when they are completed, you have done Geometry. But, if you plan on stopping before Advanced Math, you won't finish Geometry. So with Saxon, you can take either Geometry or Algebra 2 after Algebra 1. I just looked at a homeschool store's website, there is a dvd for Saxon called Saxon Teacher. But, there isn't one for Geometry (nor is there a DIVE CD), so you would be on your own with their geometry. For me, that would be a deal breaker because I can't live without dvds at this level. Saxon Teacher is available for Algebra 2 and Advanced Math.


We did not like Saxon at our house, the constant review and no logical order drove us nuts! We much prefer a math text to have a chapter about one thing, do it all, then move on to another concept. So that means we didn't like Teaching Textbooks either. Its format is similar to Saxon's. So if you wanted something like Saxon, but a little lighter, then definitely check out Teaching Textbooks. They have samples online.


Jacobs, I have heard good things about it, but personally wouldn't attempt it without help from a dvd. Dr. Callahan has dvds, and has samples online that you can look at to see what you think. Also, Jann in TX does an online class with Jacobs, you can do a search to find her and PM her, she will respond to your questions.


My plan is to try the Chalkdust first, it it isn't a good fit, then BJU or ??

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