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HELP! I'm stuck debating between CLE math and Singapore...

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We used Singapore with my 3rd grade son last year and it seemed to work well for him. However, after hearing so many good things about CLE math I thought I had decided to switch for this year with my soon to be 4th & 1st grade kids. But now that I am ready to order, I'm having second thoughts. I have never used CLE, so that makes it hard to compare the two. I like the mental math aspect of Singapore, but it seems like CLE teaches a wider variety of topics that Singapore.?. I know a lot of people use several curric.'s together, but with our TIGHT budget I just don't think that will be an option for us. I want to start my 1st grader out right and stick with whatever I choose if at all possible. If we choose to use Singapore independently through 6th grade, will it teach them what they need to know, or would I need to find a way to supplement with somthing? I'm just so confused right now! I thought I had it all figured out, but obviously I don't. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!

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Well it depends on what you want. One of the nice things about CLE is you can purchase a light unit , or two , and give it a try before you devote your time to it.

Also you have to take in account how your child learns as well. Will a spiral method bore him? Will mastery be better? Either way with Singapore or CLE Math you can't go wrong.

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Actually I forgot. CLE does have some samples of the Light Units online http://www.clp.org/store/by_course/45

Just click the little adobe picture under each light unit and there is at least 10 pages of samples for each light unit.

Even though you don't have the Teacher Manual this will give you an idea of the format of CLE and what it is like and if it will even work for your child. All you need is your printer :>)

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I tried the same thing last August. We were using Singapore and I heard that CLE was just so awesome, I had to try it! It really is a good program... BUT we are now back with Singapore and do NOT plan on changing any time soon. I used to switch curriculum a lot... and I'm regretting it all the time. My new philosophy is that if you find something that works (especially in core subjects like Math and Language Arts) you should stick with it!

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