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Winterpromise Vs. TOG


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We are almost positive we will be using TOG again next year. We will be starting our second rotation with TOG. But, recently I have been struggling with scheduling TOG and I am looking at all my options. How would WP American History 1 work for a 7th grader and a 4th grader? What are your opinions of the language arts program. What does the LA include? I am a little confused by WP. Just looking for someone to simply explain how this program works for the middle ages and if it is enough. Have you left TOG for WP or WP for TOG and why?

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The guide is basically a schedule for all of the books, crafts, movie options, etc. There are no notes or questions. It is completely different from TOG. If you want notes regarding the history you're reading, literature sheets for dc to complete, discussion questions for the week, etc., you need to go with TOG. Have you looked at a sample IG from Winterpromise? That will give you an idea of how it's set up. It's great for people who just want a schedule for the books and hands-on activities to do. But, if you are looking for a lot of "meat" as in background info, notes, etc., I'd stick with TOG.


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I'm using AS 1 this year with a 1st and 3rd grader. It's enough for them, but I'm not continuing with AS 2 next year because I don't think it will be enough for my older son. I would NOT use this with a 7th grader-even their middler package from what I understand isn't that challenging. Don't get me wrong, we've enjoyed history this year, but it wouldn't be very challenging over 3rd/4th grade.

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I am currently using WP AS II with middler pack with my 5th grader. Though the curriculum has been interesting, the books are not challenging enough for my son. Very easy reads...even most of the Middler Set. The Middler books are actually just a more difficult reading of what is in the regular set. It's most redundant really. WP is also geared for the family who is very craft-notebooking oriented. We are not. The notebooking pages have thoroughly bored my son and we have bascially given up on them.


I think my son would have LOVED WP American Story when he was in 2nd or 3rd grade, maybe even in 4th. Not to say he dislikes it in any way now, it is just not challenging enough for a 5th grader IMHO. It's been an EASY history year for him. :) Again, it IS interesting, just not very challenging.


Also, it seems to be at a level that doesn't really inspire discussion for us. Plus, as someone I believe already mentioned, WP does not come with any type of discussion questions at all...so if the books are not inspiring discussion, you're on your own to come up with something. I really don't think it would be a good fit for the average 7th grader. Your 4th grader, maybe, and if he's a good reader he could actually read all the WP regular history himself...it's THAT easy. I have actually given my 5th grader many of the regular and all the middler history books to read. All I read are the Adventure reading books, The DK American History book, and a few choice history books that interest me...and only because I want too...he could read those on his own as well.


I have really enjoyed many of the WP books and can highly recommend a lot of them as they were most interesting to read, but we are going to use TOG next year. It looks like it will be a much better fit for us overall. :D

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As I have been researching today, it also appears that the LA program for 7th grade does not correlate with American History 1. I just thought with the middler program and LA7 it might work. It looks like Sonlight only with notebooking and crafts. But I guess the books aren't challenging enough. It looks like we will just stick it out with TOG. Unless there is something out there like TOG but with a daily schedule. I can only dream!

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Not that I have found.


If you just use the books in WP then, yes it is light. We did 8 weeks of AS 1 before starting TOG. I did add History of the US using the schedule provided in the AS 1 IG, and between that, the crafts and websites it was enough for us.


There is a little more of a difference between SL and WP. With WP the focus on multi-sensory (do, see, hear), the readers are not essential to the program, and the books are usually have a lot more pictures (visual). If you have kids that HAVE to DO something, then WP is a great fit because it has daily crafts. TOG only works here because my kids now pick their own projects. SL started out fine but in the end totally bombed because of the hands on thing and to be honest SL is just too much volume for me.


Oh! You might want to keep an eye on the new WP catalog, if you have time to wait. They have stated a one year US history, based on History of the US series, but for High Schoolers will eventually come out, just not when it will come out. It might also include Government.


When it comes to scheduled programs there seems to be limited choices. I always mess with the scheduling, but the reading is what I often end up skipping with TOG. I figure I am no worse off, given I wouldn't have the Teacher Notes with another program either. But I have to remind myself that, or I get frusterated that I am not doing it all.






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