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Is completing Algebra 2 necessary before taking the PSAT?

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Not long ago, I was talking here about whether or not I want my rising 9th grader to repeat some algebra in the coming year, or move on to geometry. I've decided (I think;)) to have him take the second year of a "decompressed" (two year) algebra class before moving on.


One thing I'm wondering about, though, is a point Jackie in AR raised in my previous thread. A few of us were contemplating why so many schools rush 8th graders into algebra. Jackie asked: "Is it because the PSAT must be taken in the fall of 11th grade to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship, and you should have Algebra 2 under your belt before taking it?"


Is that the case? I know of many students who take algebra in 9th, followed by geometry, then algebra 2. How does that play out, then, as far as taking the PSAT is concerned?

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If I remember correctly...


The PSAT requires basic math skills, basic algebra skills and basic geometry...it states on the College Board website that although a calculator is permitted, none of the math problems would require a student to have one.


Now the SAT is quite a step up...a calculator is a must (if I'm remembering my dd20's experience).


I think most public schools (around here anyway) rush the math sequence because they label the classes as Pre-AP or AP starting in middle school. So...if a student takes Algebra 1 in 8th grade, it is a Pre-AP/AP class, for which the school gets extra funding from the state. They also get extra funding for the kids that take the AP tests in high school and even more funding if the kids pass. It's a racket.




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My understanding is also that PSAT tests up through Algebra 1 and Geometry as Robin shared. The math that is needed is fairly basic, but they are tricky in how you apply the math. The problems usually require multiple steps with a few things that can trip you up thrown in. It is a lot of logic in math rather than complicated math concepts, so just takes a bit of practice to get used to their way of asking things - at least it did for my dd.

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