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Hives after vax?

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My 6 yo had DTaP, MMR and polio on Wednesday and today she woke up covered in hives. It is the only new thing I can think of. She has had all of these before and had no reaction. The only difference is when she was younger I spaced each vax out over a months time and she has never gotten them all at once like this. I wish I would have done that this time too! Coincidence or not? Do I need to worry? :confused:

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I wouldn't worry, but I would say its a sign her body is stressed out by the vaccines. That's a lot at once. I would let her take it easy, take some Vitamin C, and let it work it's way through her system. It's actually a sign that her body is trying to deal with it- I wouldn't repress the response, as it's a healing response, in a way. Her immune system is working overtime- the vaccines after all are meant to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against the diseases- hers is working overtime to produce antibodies to several at once. Different people respond differently to many things, and she is just responding this way. I would ease the hives with ointment or baths, but don't try to repress the response. And, i wouldnt worry, but I would not give her that many vaccines at once again.

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Rashes are very common 5-10 days after the MMR; this is a sign of the body's immune response. My pediatrician just told me this is especially true of the third MMR in the series. You probably don't need to worry, but if she is showing other signs of distress, I would call your Dr.

(BTDT- my 5yo had this happen in April)




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