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I have accomplished a good bit this week. Therefore,

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my house is a wreck. :glare:


I didn't know I owned as many blankets as have been hauled, looped, draped, and tucked into the tent villages in my children's rooms. I should be impressed, right?


That is what happens when I try to get something crossed off of the long-term to-do list.


Anyone relate?



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:hurray: Yay! We're not the only ones! Accomplishment is .... relative in our home. Good homeschool traction is inversely proportional to keeping the house tidy!


Have fun cleaning up the forts, and know that they were worth in the long run!



inversely proportional....I love it.


My husband, bless his soul, often responds to my declaration that the house is a mess with, "great! It was a good school day." I love that man.



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