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Blogging-- please help me!

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Ok, so I have a small business making specialty cakes (how that started is completely different post!) and I need a website where I can showcase pictures of work I've done. I DO NOT want to spend a lot of money. I DO want it to be super cute. :D I am very computer-literate, but it has been a loooooooong while since I dabbled in HTML. I set something up at www.yummybunnycakes.blogspot.com but as you can see it is, um, "empty"! I really love the sites at www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com and I got a free template there. I don't want to shell out $100 for them to do it for me, but on the other hand, it looks as if that would be my best option. Looks as if you also ge a graphic dealie to print on your business cards with them, and that is something I *really* want. DH remends me often that you have to spend money to make money, but I don't really like to spend money period. :glare: What says the hive? Got any ideas for me?



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This would be a business expense and therefore deductable on your taxes.


Figure out where your time is best spent...if you are a slick and savvy programmer, then pull together your website. If your time is better sent in the kitchen designing new cakes, then hire out the website work.


By the way, while I love the idea of you blogging about your cakes, shouldn't you also have a permanent website? A place a corporate event planner could visit and get a feel for your work...


Happy baking and marketing!

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That is exactly what I mean, do I want to have this set up as a "blog" (thinking: FREE!!!!) or something else? At one time we had a myspace page set up with pics (cake pics) on it, but I kind of hate myspace.... www.bunnycakes.com is available for purchase, and that is what DH suggested, but that is going to be $$$, right?


Really, all I need is somewhere where people can see the pictures. My DH and I own a restaurant (ok....actually a piano bar) where tons and tons of people have parties. I have been doing lotsa cakes/cupcakes/edible chocolate tiaras for said parties and we'd like to increase that even more. When people call to book parties, we want to be able to direct them to xyz website to check out the cakes. Also, we have a database of a few thousand people who regularly get our e-blasts promoting upcoming specials, etc....so we want to promote the cakes in that way also.


Yes, my time is better spent baking and cleaning and homeschooling and making my husband feel like a rock star. Thank you for pointing that out! :D I can't spend tons of time learning to do websites.


Any reccommendations for someone on Etsy? If I have to open the wallet, it had better be awesome! :lol:


Thanks so much for lettin' me ramble!

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Melissa, my thought is that you need a website, something that doesn't change much day to day. It would be like an online brochure. GoDaddy.com is a good place to get domain names.


I do love the idea of you having a blog, too. A place for you to 'talk' up your work and the day to day coolness of it.

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