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Managing multiple theraphy appointments

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If you had the chance for your 10 yo to do OT at a different place than where he currently goes in order to recieve multiple services ( OT, ST and reading) at ONE place, with back to back appointments, instead of driving to multiple places on different days, would you switch from the therapist you have been seing for 15 months and both LOVE? Whew that is a long sentence :D


ACK! I just realized I spelled therapy wrong in the title.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Guest bookwormmama

Jean I wish I had some great advice for you and could weigh in on your options realistically for you to help you out. However, I just wanted you to know that I feel for you and the craziness in your life right now... my daughter was just diagnosed with Asperger's, my other daughter with ADHD, and we have two more children {out of 6 of our kids} that most likely will also be diagnosed with Asperger's as well. So far we have referrals for 4 different doctors just for ONE of my children and that doesn't include the other therapies for all the rest of my children. Just thinking about it makes me start to cry and feel totally overwhelmed. I don't know how we are going to do it all either. There has to be some other alternative that neither one of us is seeing... is there any way to get the OT or ST to come to YOU instead of you going to them or the Reading therapy? I don't know if that's possible... just something I was wondering about...



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Um, if you love the therapist, I would not change that one. Therapists that you work well with, and like, are hard to find. There are no guarantees that the new one will work. I would just try to schedule them on the same day with enough time to drive from one to the others.

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Jean I wish I had some great advice for you and could weigh in on your options realistically for you to help you out. However, I just wanted you to know that I feel for you and the craziness in your life right now... my daughter was just diagnosed with Asperger's, my other daughter with ADHD, and we have two more children {out of 6 of our kids} that most likely will also be diagnosed with Asperger's as well. So far we have referrals for 4 different doctors just for ONE of my children and that doesn't include the other therapies for all the rest of my children. Just thinking about it makes me start to cry and feel totally overwhelmed. I don't know how we are going to do it all either. There has to be some other alternative that neither one of us is seeing... is there any way to get the OT or ST to come to YOU instead of you going to them or the Reading therapy? I don't know if that's possible... just something I was wondering about...




:grouphug: Sorry you are going through this. I undestand completely.

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I think I would try it. I wouldn't hesitate to switch back if the new therapist wasn't working out, though.


HTH, Stacy




The insanity of multiple therapy appts a few years back nearly drove me insane. If it were me, I'd give it a try with the understanding that if it didn't work out, I'd switch back.


It's not easy considering switching a therapist you like but if it saves you sanity by not having multiple therapy appts daily and gives more services, I think it's worth exploring.



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