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Update on Tragic Arkansas Military Shooting

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I have been relayed some information about this terrible situation. Beleive it or not, even though I live just an hour from Little Rock, I am aquainted with this family through church in Wisconsin. We used to attend the same church years ago. They moved here many years before I.


Anyway, the mother of William Andrew Long ( known to his family as Andy) was IN THE PARKING LOT at the time of the shooting. She had gone there to pick up her son from work. She had parked facing away from the door to shield her eyes from the sun so she could read a book while she waited for Andy to come out. She heard gun shots and looked up in time to see a vehicle speeding out of the lot. She noted everything she could about the car and then got out of her car and ran to the entrance. She was stopped by personel several feet away from the two downed soldiers. She said, "That's not my son, is it?" and was told that in fact it was. Andy was killed by a bullet to the chest. I am told the other soldier was shot 3 times but survived.


The funeral is Monday. Andy will get a purple heart postumously. He had only recently graduated from boot camp and was due to deploy tomorrow overseas (can't remember where) for his first assignment. His Aunt Karen will be singing at the funeral and has asked for prayer to help her get through it as well as for the entire family. Everyone says he was a wonderful boy. :angelsad2:

Edited by katemary63
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This killing was so tragic. I am so grateful that the killer was stopped so soon afterwards. He apparently had plans that targeted Jewish synagogues, Baptist Churches, more military recruitment centers, and places like Times Square. They don't really know if he is a lone ranger and so all the places on his list have been notified.

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