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Introducing Myself

Guest TamiS

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Guest TamiS

Hello! I am so excited to find this message board!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Tami and have two daughters, 5 and 6 soon to be 7. They attended spanish immersion preschool and I am afterschooler. I've been working since the older one was 15 months and the younger one since an infant to help them become bilingual - English/Spanish. It's been a journey!


I chose Spanish because we are in Texas and it is so easy to practice. My husband and I do not speak Spanish. I was hoping that introducing them to another language at a young age that it would help them pick up other languages down the road and expand their minds, etc. My husband is 1/2 Mexican American, and my daughters or 1/4 Mexican American as an aside. My husbands grandparents do speak Spanish but they live in Cali.


A little rambling here, but just wanted to introduce myself and let you know I'm excited about finding this resource!!! :001_smile:


I'm Tami!

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