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?? About Megawords and AAS??

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Would megawords be a good compliment to AAS or let's say, SWR *OR* would that be too much? I'm not familiar with the program enough to know if it is solid enough for a 'stand alone' program or if it's just a supplementary program. I'm thinking more for my oldest son that will be starting 5th grade. He's not a good speller. But, I also need 'ease' next year. I've got a 5th, 3rd, and 1st grader and a baby due Dec! LOL! So, SWR "might" be shelved next year. :D I'm also trying to get away from very 'scripted' programs that take ALL of my time!

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I definitely think that AAS is enough on its own. After we complete Level 6 in a few years, I plan to re-evaluate to see if we should do Megawords then. However, they say that students will be spelling at a high school level after Level 6.

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I do know of at least one gal on the Heart of Reading yahoo group who does both AAS and Megawords, simply because while she likes AAS and it teaches the same rules close to the same pace as Megawords, AAS uses easy words, and she wanted her child to have more challenge. Now I haven't seen Megawords, except for the samples on CBD, but I get the feeling that where AAS would teach closed syllables and use a word like fan, megawords would use a word like fan tas tic (all three are closed syllables). AAS does stand alone. Given your oldest is not a good speller I don't think Megawords would be needed. For those who are doing AAS and have a good speller, it gives them some challenge.


AAS can be done in less time than SWR. AAS is scripted in a different way than SWR. SWR you don't have a lot of options to slimline it other than to cover less words. With AAS people are doing it for minimal amounts of time a day and still seeing results. I suspect it is because it is more mastery based, covering one rule till it is understood. With SWR you need a the volume just to continue to cover the rules regularly enough to get them to stick.



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