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Is an afternoon enough time to visit Mt. Vernon?

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I think it is. I went on a tour year ago with a 4-H group. WE had several stops in one day..... I remember much about MT. Vernon & took loads of pictures of the grounds.


I think you can do it. There are only so many plows, buildings, and trees that you can greatly enjoy without looking at your watch.


You should be able to do it & enjoy it!!

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We had year-long tickets last year and visited four times. There is a very interesting movie that introduces the historical setting and George Washington right when you enter the Visitor Center. In the lobby near the theater is an impressive model of the mansion that you will probably want to examine. I know in July the lines are long so it takes longer to get into the mansion for the tour. The grounds are large and a lot of walking is required. The Washingtons' burial places are a bit of a hike from the mansion. Also, if you want to walk down to the Potomac River - a lovely scene - you will also be doing a lot of walking. The visitor center has an Education Center with lots of different movies and exhibits to take in and there is a museum as well. Then you will want to spend a few minutes in the gift shop.


You can do it in an afternoon, but you will probably not get to see everything. I suggest you try to get to through the mansion, see the gardens (they are between the mansion and the visitor center), and explore the Education Center at the very least. If your children do not mind loud noises I highly recommend the longer movie about the Revolutionary War - it actually starts "snowing" in the theater during the part about Valley Forge.


Wear cool, comfortable clothing, comfy shoes and bring your own bottled water (they sell it there but it is pricey).


Oh, and there is a food court available, but it is pricey as well.

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