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how independent is mfw rome to reformation...


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Well, I think it depends on the family. My 7th grader is in year 5, but considering that it's set up in the same way, I'd say he does:



- math

- science

- English grammar or Progeny Press

- reading

- copywork

- book basket

- Spanish would be totally independent if we used the recommended Rosetta Stone

- notebooking (after we've done history together)

- US cooking (I invited another homeschooled gal)


With me:

- Bible

- history, including some activities from SOTW AG & state memory games

- read-alouds

- art or music

- discussion of new or mistaken items listed above



Again, every family is different. And even within our family, different times create different schedules. But I am coming from the perspective of a mom who wants to teach my youngest child from an adult perspective, rather than a mom who must get their child moving on his own. However, I try to balance that with the fact that he is in 7th grade now & I need to let him start to toddle :D

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