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Ms. Riding Hood

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Posts posted by Ms. Riding Hood

  1. Best Buy charges $79 to even talk to me. For that I can replace my adapter and start all over...which might not be a bad idea. :glare: Does anyone here know a place I can go, online or otherwise, that might troubleshoot the problem or have suggestions? I *really* don't want to call the manufacturer, as they rout all phone calls to India. Their reps have been very unhelpful in the past and I need to get the problem solved without hours of unproductive phone time.


    Can any of you help me out here? I'll explain my problem below in more detail, in case that might be of use.


    The router is working--checked it with another computer.


    The adapter appears to be working. The device manager says it is. Also, my computer shows that it is detecting the wireless network, and that it has a strong signal. In fact, my wireless connection shows that I'm "connected"...but I'm not.


    This connection has been set to detect the IP address automatically, and has been working fine until two days ago. No major computer changes have happened that might have disrupted anything. We've changed the settings from automatic to manual--that is what restored the "connection". I suspect that I'm not getting a connection because of the IP address (maybe I'm not using the correct one?), but at any rate my adapter should still be able to detect this automatically...and it can't or isn't. If I set it to automatic, it gives me "Limited or No Connectivity"


    We've reset the router, the modem, tried different USB ports, etc. ad nausem.



  2. Sandy,


    Thank you for your reply. It was helpful to hear your experience. Can you comment on what it is you liked about Rewards, and the skills it addressed? I've looked at it several times in the past, but I'd like to see what it is you liked. I'm still not totally convinced it's what my dd needs, but she really does need to work on content-area comprehension and it might be good for that. What did you think?


    Thanks again!

  3. I'm looking for a program (not necessarily computer or digital media-based) to use with my 6th grade dd who has difficulty with fluency and comprehension. Her reading is fast, but she skips words, substitutes words, and doesn't comprehend much of what she reads. From what I understand, she needs to do repeated oral reading.


    Susan Barton recommended Soliloquy reading assistant to me, but it is only available through professionals...at least, that's all I could see available. I have looked at Ace Reader Pro, but it's not quite the same type of thing...more focused on speed reading. Still, it might be fine and work well for us. I know Laurie mentions Rewards a lot--but I wasn't clear if that focuses on fluency and comprehension in particular. Otherwise, I can do the repeated oral readings on my own with dd...but I'm afraid that learning how to do it, gathering the materials, etc., is going to be a huge task.


    I wonder if any of you have experience with fluency/comprehension specific products or methods and can share anything with me. I'm kind of at a loss on what to do and how to do it.


    Thanks so much!

  4. How does a self-taught student conduct oral recitations and form drills? I don't know enough grammar yet to "test" myself, but I feel I need more practice and reinforcement that simply going through the exercises in Henle I.


    Somewhere I saw the Latin grammar described as being like the Roman army, all lined up and marching in columns. It is like that in my mind, anyway! And I have trouble keeping the cohorts where they belong. :) So I typed out all the conjugations (oops, I had written declensions here...guess now you see how educated I am in the subject), both active and passive, and including all tenses--four pages in Excel! Then I put them in plastic page protectors and stuck them in a folder with brads. I find it very helpful to simply recite (first looking at the pages, gradually weaning away from peeking!). Just the rythm of it, the sound of the endings in my own ears, helps things to stick. When I feel like I have a section down, I move to the next. Finally, I begin quizzing myself. I'll cover up a section (2nd conjugation, perfect passive, for instance) and then try to say them and see if I'm right. It was a real pain to type them all up, but it really helps me keep these straight in my mind; it's almost like a little filing system I can see with my mind's eye. When I need a certain case/tense/voice I can retrieve it from that mental file.


    I'd be glad to share my typed up pages, if you can tell me how to post Excel files. Maybe I can't. Anyway, this is my system. HTH!

  5. I'm trying to fill out info about the school grading system. It asks for me to list the highest level course my school offers in each subject area. I suppose the idea is to evaluate whether the kid has taken the most difficult subjects available at his school. How did you handle this? Basically, the highest level I "offer" is the highest level he wants to pursue--so I might list AP Calculus, and "regular" English. I'm not quite sure how to proceed with this; probably just over-thinking it.


    Also, it asks for the maximum number of courses he could have taken in each term. Can I leave these blank, or would it be best to enter a number which corresponds with the number he actually took that term? :) He has always been pretty maxed out, after all.


    Thanks for any suggestions!!

  6. I'd like to google it to find out more. Not to abuse the system, but we could definitely benefit by a college course and U Missouri offers some I'm interested in.



    Post Secondary Enrollment Options. I've heard of similar programs with similar names. Maybe you could goodle "post-secondary" along with Missouri? It is a nice option, especially if you live near a college or university. Juniors and seniors in high school can essentially go to college full time for free. With distance, ds can only do 1-2 courses max.


    Good luck!

  7. I just had to tell you guys this. Ds took Spanish last year through the U of M's distance ed. center. This class was free to him as a PSEO student. PSEO is a program in the state of MN (other states have similar) that allows high school students to take college classes at no cost. Well, that is, they take classes at the taxpayers' expense. But free sounds better.


    So last year his materials were shipped to him at a cost of ~ $250. The bookstore includes the invoice, marked with "PAID BY PSEO", so we know the value that we are getting! After the class ended, these materials were ours to keep. Woohoo! Free books, cds, worktext, etc. I was floored.


    This year he's taking the next part of the course, which covers the second half of the textbook he used last year. In other words, he didn't need a new book. Today his materials arrived, and guess what? Another brand new textbook and cd's, at a cost of $131--these are exact duplicates of what he had last year and had only half used. No one ever asked what he needed; these were shipped out automatically.


    I wonder how many PSEO students sell their texts at the end of the year for a tidy profit? These are brand new books, as I'm sure all the PSEO texts are. All paid for...by you and me. Unbelievable. I really want to march this book down to the legislature and make a speech.


    I will be returning this, by the way. I'm sure that they'll cover the return postage. :glare:

  8. I hope to order their Calc program after Christmas.


    This is my ds's favorite course taken in high school.


    I'm glad to hear your kudos for the pre-calc. Maybe we'll look at that. Is there a reason why you are using Thinkwell for this vs. Lial's? (OK, I read the rest of the posts...so you are using this as a supplement?)

  9. College mailings would only end up in the recycle pile so they are saving trees by NOT mailing us stuff. Does anyone really make a college choice --- or even feel swayed --- via those mailings???


    Yes, our stuff gets a look and then is tossed. I don't know if anyone is swayed, but like Gwen, I have certain favorites based on mail. Harvey Mudd is by far my favorite! They do much better than the average, imho--very creative and out of the box. Northwestern is the one that peeves me. They are soooo expensive, right? They don't offer any merit scholarships, right? Yet once a month (or so it seems) we get this big, thick viewbook, printed on the heaviest paper--absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine what it costs to print, much less to mail the thing. How about this Northwestern? Print less, mail less, charge less. I get tired of seeing the glossy viewbook telling me that while they offer no merit scholarships, "at least 20% of students qualify for financial aid--and great loan packages." (I'm being a little facetious here...only a little.) :001_smile:

  10. Last year he struggled with this all the time. Every time he sits down to read he begins to doze off. He's fine right away in the morning, with physics and math, but even by mid-morning he gets that horrible foggy feeling where the eyes just cannot stay open. We just started school today, and he was disgusted to find himself sleepy on the first day! He is tired (pun!) of fighting this problem since he felt it really caused him to lose valuable time last year.


    I know that teenagers supposedly need as much or more sleep than toddlers. So that's a factor, I suppose. This guy doesn't stay up much past 10 pm, up at 6:30. He's very active in sports after school, and works doing farm labor when not in school. Is it just a question of needing more rest? Or is there some way he can snap himself awake when the grogginess comes on? Other than slamming Red Bull, that is. :001_smile: He really needs some good advice!


    Thank you!

  11. How odd that this thread was active today, since ds just brought a little packet in from the mailbox...!!!!!!


    BTW, ds wouldn't get ANY money from his top two schools for NM, but he's also not likely (statistically speaking) to get accepted at those schools. His third choice, however, has a fabulous NM package. I guess I've just been surprised to find that few other schools of similar size/reputation have similar funding.

  12. I've really been thrilled with the Lial's books I've gotten so far (BCM, Intermediate Alg.). I like reading them. How odd!


    But ds, who finished Saxon Alg. I last year, looked at Int. Alg., and said that he thought he'd done most of the topics up through the first half of the book! He didn't spend a lot of time looking at the book, but just flipped through rather quickly, but I wanted to ask if you could comment since I know that you are very familiar with both books. I'm assuming that even if he's had the topics in Saxon, that Int. Alg. is going to be covering them in more depth or with more difficult problem sets. I planned on having him do the diagnostic pretest--maybe that will give me the answer to my question easily enough!!


    I had assumed that going from Alg. I into this book he should start at the very beginning no matter what, but maybe you would advise an alternate route?


    Thanks for any light you can shed!

  13. I'm sorry you didn't get any replies to your message. This has been discussed a lot lately--maybe that's why. Try using the search feature and searching for both VideoText (one word) and "video text" (two words, using quotations). It's also helpful to use the advanced search and search only the heading, rather than the body of the post. Hope that helps.

  14. National Merit is kind of a wierd thing, I think. It's a very nice honor, but unfortunately doesn't translate into huge monetary rewards for the winners. There are some corporate awards linked to NM that are probably really great (if you happen to work for one of the corporations that sponsor the awards) but few substantial college awards based on NM--at least as far as I can tell. They might give you $1000-$2000, but that's about it. Gwen, have you seen differently? Maybe some take NM into account when making decisions on their big scholarships, but I'm talking about money that is directly based on NM.


    A couple of years ago there was a funny article that appeared which pointed out that a National "Text-Messaging" champion (in a contest sponsored by one of the mobile phone companies) won $25,000, whereas a National Merit Scholar won $2500. So maybe it's better to work on text-messaging skills than practice the PSAT? :tongue_smilie:

  15. my rule is that if the teens ask me to be their friend, I accept. But I do not ask their friends to be mine. I occasionally comment on what their friends post ( such as a birthday wish to one or a congratulations to another) but I do NOT get involved in their teen lives by posting comments.


    Yes, I'd say this is true for me. I know lots of kids on there and I'll sometimes look at their page or pictures, but I don't butt in. Now and then I might sent them a PM (ie, to invite a niece to a party; didn't have her regular email address). I have kids who've "friended" me, but I think if I asked them to be friends they would feel compelled to accept even if they didn't really want me seeing their stuff, kwim? So I leave it to them to invite.


    As Kathleen said, "it's a people world" rather than just for teenagers. I never look anybody up, but I've had a couple of old friends and a distant family member look me up. It's kind of fun to hear the news from people you otherwise wouldn't keep up with. But like you, I started out feeling like I was out of my league/playing in the sandbox.

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