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Susan C.

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Posts posted by Susan C.

  1. Cool, thanks!  And the splash is the guys.... not the faucet, lol. They are ducks! The cheap shallow sink doesn't help either... but I don't want to lose the space underneath, and if I'm lucky to get counters at some point, I will change the sink then. The seamed laminate was not a good match for them either ... but I still want to try to save it. We are in a small town, and I priced counters and cabinets, it was way too much. They are in great shape, except for behind the sink.

  2. I have to replace the $30 kitchen faucet that came with our house... There is a window right above the sink (9 inches to top of window sill, wood molding under that, and then a few inches of wall before laminate), so I don't think I can get a higher gooseneck one, or it would 1) be well above the window, and 2) splash would be above the laminate with the handle so high. Or am I crazy?


    We have the basic hot/cold handles, and very low pitched spout (hate it for doing dishes and filling large pots, but no matter how high the arch, the end of spout will be there, right?), but at least water stays below the wall and window molding. The laminate is beat up by the water, that is how I found the leak... constant water, not all from splashing (guys do dishes). I am trying to dry it out and repair it. I can't do tile back there yet, eventually it all needs replacing.


    I *think* I like hot/cold handles... rinsing veggies, and washing hands, just use cold handle. But I'm open to input. The plumber says get M o e n brand, that limits me to about 4 choices at each big box store. Most that have a "medium" arch for spout are single handle, which is higher, which I'm not that fond of (but might be able to be sold on it). Also, are there advantages between bronze and stainless steel? I have plastic coated now, but at minimum, will move to metal.


    Help! and Thanks.

  3. If it were me, I would order this, 2 under tongue each morning until dissolved. These are high dose, the worst that will happen is her B12 levels will go up, she will pee out what she doesn't need. Someone upthread mentioned this, sublingual (even though this doesn't say that, this particular brand works well for it). Please note this is 5000 IU in an easier to assimilate form. All B12 are not created equal.





    • Like 1
  4. Sounds like you are getting good ideas here. Maybe rent for a year to make sure you like the area/job, so you can just leave easily if need be.


    Another way out there idea is for you and kids to go to parents in TN (you said you want to be there) and have dh try the job out. That way if he hates it, you don't have to endure another move, and you would have the support of your family. Long term, it seems you want to be there, and that is important. Can your dh find something near your family and grow into the area?

    • Like 1
  5. I'm not the one to ask, I have (1) smaller set and (2) larger ones... all stainless steel ... cuz you have to have enough for larger Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners... I like having 2-3 large pots for when I make broth, its nice to make it all at once.


    I got a nice set of Kitchen Aid w/glass lids on sale at Target for around $135, then sprung $30-$35 for the larger skillet separately. They are stainless steel, aluminum clad bottom. I have electric though, so have no idea how they would work for gas. I already had a Bella Cuisine set that is 25+ years old. These have all held up well to a lot of use. I feel they are good quality and don't care that they aren't All Clad.


    I would love a link to the ceramic nonstick skillet. We go thru a ton of refined coconut oil to keep eggs from sticking to the stainless... we have a flat top stove, so cast iron is not an option.

  6. :grouphug:


    My youngest (and there are only two) didn't sleep thru the night until 15 mths!! And we moved during that as well. I almost have no memory of that time of my life..... Although I am low intervention, only meds when absolutely necessary, occasionally when I was desperate, I gave her tylenol before bed... I do think teething was the cause.... so we could catch a break.



  7. I am wondering too about unplugging at least a bit... I do run newspapers thru my FB feed, but the latest article mentioning how FB knows everything I read is a little unnerving...


    Last week I turned off the papers to lower the length of my feed... so FB starting giving me other friends' likes and comments, ugh. But it still took a fraction of the time to get through. I do live in a small town with a pathetic newspaper, so I do like the connection to the outside world... I am thinking of picking one paper and getting an online subscription if I choose to limit FB, or just going to a few newspapers sites and reading there.

    • Like 3
  8. We just returned from vacation. Before we left, I made it a point to reduce the weight of my purse. The culprit? 15 gift cards....  A few months ago, I removed excess change and several store cards that I don't go to much. That helped so much I could carry a water, and my purse was still lighter. My very large wallet is now too large, so getting a smaller wallet will help more. I have the large wallet for top stub checks (even larger than regular checks), but I use bill pay, and can put a check in the wallet now for emergencies.


    Another thing I am thinking of is ditching store credit cards (input? good/bad idea?). My v i s a pays rewards and regularly gives discounts (if I remember to log on and click them). I regularly let store rewards expire if I don't need anything, but v i s a rewards pay regardless. And that will let me lighten my wallet even more. And as mentioned above, I will start noticing stores that can look up my reward/frequent purchase cards so I don't need to carry those. I don't have a smart phone so I can't record or look up these.

    • Like 1
  9. We had a similar thing happen long ago, but just between us and the car insurance... One minor accident, two piddly things... I guess three is the magic number. It took us from preferred to high risk. I did call the insurance company, they reviewed it, and agreed their actions were too severe and put us to regular rates instead.


    My only two ideas are:

    1) Ask for a review of your specific record along with details of each incident.

    2) If #1 doesn't work, then the incident I would go for getting off the record is the wreck that wasn't your fault. At minimum, if you have any paperwork saying it wasn't your fault, it should be considered.


    If those don't work, I agree with running out the year. Maybe you could work at the hospital in ER?

  10. I have a decades old luggage piece (gold) that has always worked well... since we call it the "portable bathroom" I have forgotten what its called. Its a shoulder tote that fits full sized bottles of shampoo, etc.  A sturdy diaper bag may be similar. I actually like the older hard sided cube shaped ones where the top opens with hinges in the back, like my mom has, better. Maybe you can find one at a thrift store?

    • Like 1
  11. If straight bleach doesn't get it, nothing will... I do the "dump and run" technique. We moved into a 10 y/o house, I got a nasty shower looking good doing this... Ventilate well, open window, run fan. Watch your skin and clothes, hold your breath, move fast.


    After it dries, recaulk over it if you need to. :D

  12. Have you thought about making a small deck? We did that a few yards ago and enjoyed it. It think it was 10' x 10' and we even put an arbor above it that could have had shade cloth put on (but we didn't). Decks are very cost effective, its not hot to stand on, gravel/sand does not get tracked into the house. Just make sure it is sealed and sanded well. Pavers are nice too, but expensive.

  13. We are home.

    Insurance has denied an apnea monitor as they claim it can only be prescribed by a NICU doc. My amazing pediatrician is in discussions about that...


    We have some tests scheduled for Wednesday. Poor thing has to be NPO after midnight so pray for him Tuesday night/Wednesday morning if you think of it.


    I am really truly exhausted, physically and emotionally. My family needs a break.


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


    Please consider having a family member or friend come now to help. You need someone to take shifts overnight, and also to take over periodically so you can rest. No one can work 24/7 too long, this wouldn't be a reflection of weakness, its a sign of strength to request help when you need it.


    Also, it might be worth a try to call the NICU that cared for him to see if they can speed up you getting the monitor.

    • Like 11
  14. You can do the test yourself. I used the ancestry.com test, but I think the 23andme test is a bit more detailed. When you get the results you can upload them to a site that scans for the MTHFR mutations, as well as a few other mutations with similar effects.


    Can you go into more detail about this? How do you upload, and to what site? For the ancestry test, or 23andme? 


    And... does anyone know if you already take the methylated B vitamins, would that skew the test?



  15. :grouphug:


    Don't let the surgeon do the surgery where they cut up and remove organ(s) through a small incision (sorry my terminology is bad). Evidently, that can spread this type of cancer. I've read two articles recently where the outcome was bad because of that. A search should turn them up, if you need me to try to find it, let me know. The conclusion was to remove all organs intact so cancer cells cannot spread.


    If it were me, I would ask for surgery asap, then make decisions after when you know what you are dealing with.

    • Like 2
  16. We have 3 older cars... 97, 98, 00. But all Toyotas so all reliable. When we bought one of them new, I called the bank, but didn't apply. I asked what the car loan rate was. The dealer offered to beat it, but I already knew we could get a loan at the bank. I also talked the dealer into a 5 yr. note which helped keep the payment lower. I don't know if it is still true (its been awhile) but the older a car is, the higher the rate. So, with the 2nd car that we bought 8 yrs. old, I used a credit card offer, a 24 month 0% and made sure it was paid off before the 12% kicked in. I just took loan balance, divided by 24, and paid it. It paid down faster w/0% interest. We also sold a very old car, I put proceeds toward the credit card before figuring the "payment." The 3rd was for the kids to use, was cheap, we just paid for it.

  17. :bigear:


    I have a tracfone with too many minutes to change carriers, and so if anyone replies to OP and wouldn't mind telling me if I can change to an android, I would be grateful. I don't even know if you can access internet with tracfone.... I only have the cheap flip phone. No camera. And we still haven't figured out how to get dd's pics off her cheap cell...

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