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Everything posted by Linnet

  1. Hugs! Dealing with a child ADHD is hard enough, I'm sorry your husband is not on the same page. Kudos to you for keeping your cool! A few thoughts: 1. I'd switch doctors IMMEDIATELY if they weren't convinced ADHD was a "real thing." You need professionals who are ON YOUR SIDE! Something that helped me personally acknowledge that my ADHD daughter's issues were biologically based and not "all my fault" was taking her to an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist every week. They found that she had retained reflexes and some motor planning issues. We also discovered that my daughter had developmental vision issues and took her to a Vision Therapist. These issues are frequently found in kids with ADHD. They also work on her behavioral and social issues with the curriculum "Zones of Regulation" and "Superflex." It helped to have trained professionals acknowledge that the issues I was seeing weren't in the range of normal. They were with her for a few hours weekly, one-on-one, and even with all their training struggled to control her impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Perhaps having your child and husband interact with some professionals who "get it" would be helpful. 2. It sounds like perhaps the main issue between you is a lack of agreement on how to deal with behavioral issues. And, if your child is anything like mine behavior issues are an everyday battle, so getting on the same page with that was crucial for my husband and I. For a long time my husband probably felt I was too lax with the kids (although he didn't voice it much, wise man.) His parents were quite old when he was born so his Dad, especially was a no- nonsense disciplinarian who spanked. The method that helped me and my husband feel like a team was the Kazdin method. Kazdin talks about antecedents, (everything you do before a situation to make sure it goes well) keeping calm and finding the "positive opposite" of the behavior that you don't want to see, and having them do that a lot and then praising them for it. My husband has only skimmed the book, but I have told him enough about it. I think my husband especially liked what he saw with the antecedents. That is, we are constantly making a "plan" on how we are going to handle situations before they happen. Kids with ADHD thrive with STRUCTURE. So, for example, animals in general make two of my children OVER THE TOP excited. If we go anywhere that we know there is going to be an animal we prepare the children mentally as we drive there. They have clear expectations on how much they are going to be able to interact with the animal and what behavior is "expected" and "unexpected." We talk to my daughter about what zone she is going to feel in when she sees the animal (yellow zone) and how she is going to use her SUPERFLEX strategies to conquer impulsiveness that will lead to consequences she doesn't like. Bottom line: Behavioral therapy is a powerful tool that will help both of you feel more confident and calm about the way you approach things. If your husband isn't on board, start doing it yourself and gaining confidence, and hopefully he will see the positive results. 3. If this issue between you isn't going away, I would recommend finding a good couples therapist. Good luck to you and hang in there! P.S. Here are the links to the Kazdin books, Zones of Regulation and Superflex: https://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Parenting-Toolkit-Step-Step/dp/0544227824/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1499263183&sr=8-2&keywords=kazdin https://www.amazon.com/Kazdin-Method-Parenting-Defiant-Child/dp/0547085826/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499263183&sr=8-1&keywords=kazdin http://www.zonesofregulation.com/index.html https://www.socialthinking.com/Products/Superflex%20A%20Superhero%20Social%20Thinking%20Curriculum%20Package
  2. Thank you so much Lecka! They did manage to get him graduated in the school he went to, but I will look into those other resources.
  3. Thank you you so much maize! I did not know that was an option! I just left a message with one!
  4. Thanks everyone! Sorry I did not respond earlier. I actually thought I had deleted this post, because soon after writing it I had decided against Teaching Textbooks, after reading some more about it. I am not trying to hold her back, just trying to find the right fit. I am now leaning towards sticking with Singapore 6, and also adding the Challenging Word problems. Do you feel like doing Singapore 6 and then doing a year in pre-algebra in the public school would be redundant? There seems to be mixed reviews on whether or not Singapore 6 is or isn't a pre-algebra program. I do not have to put her in public school math next year. I was only considering sending her for a few subjects: science, math and an elective. I guess this is just the first time I have wrapped my head around the fact that she might be ready for full blown Algebra next year. She just turned 10 in June. I have always wanted to try out Jacob's mathematics, and I have read that there is a decent review of pre-algebra in first chapters of the Elementary Algebra book. Any thoughts on doing Singapore 6 and then doing Jacob's Elementary Algebra? Any potential holes in this plan?
  5. My daughter (age 10) just finished Singapore 5b and I am considering putting her in Teaching Textbooks prealgebra this year. She is good at math, and Singapore 5b was pretty easy for her. She also does Dreambox Math and is doing 6th and 7th grade math there. I have not given her the placement test for Teaching Textbooks, but a just looking at it, the placement test for prealgebra seemed like she could get through it fine (with maybe the exception of maybe 2 problems), but the placement test for 7th grade seemed REALLY easy. She is technically starting 5th grade (turned 10 in June) and we will probably put her in middle school for 6th grade. I was planning on requesting pre-algebra for her 6th grade year, but if we do prealgebra this year, she would either have to repeat prealgebra, or try to do Algebra as a 6th grader, which may be too difficult, or may not be approved by the school. So, maybe I should just do Teaching Textbooks 7? If not Teaching Textbooks does anybody have any other suggestions? This school year will be kind of crazy with doctors appointments for my other daughter, so something on the computer, or with video instructions would be nice. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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