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Posts posted by JeanM

  1. My 11 yo is doing Nano for the 3rd time this year, so he was 9 yo the first time. He really wanted to do it, and he picked his own goal. To be honest, I'm not sure what his goal was that year.



    I know some of you have teens doing this, but I wonder if there are any elementary age kids participating?


    If so, what age and how did you you determine a goal for your young one? What did your NaNo writing time look like?

  2. You might x-post this on the high school forum. Not many of the posters on this forum have high school age kids.

    :iagree:My oldest is in 8th grade now. We are homeschooling full time now, but thinking about using Pennsylvania Homeschoolers for at least one class next year. I've heard very good things about Pennsylvania Homeschoolers both from friends IRL and online.

  3. We've been running out of time sometimes too. DS knows that if he doesn't finish everything on his weekly schedule, he'll have to finish the work in the evening or on the weekend.


    For us, it seems like when ds doesn't finish, it's because he's having trouble focusing. Or sometimes it's because he's avoiding subjects that he doesn't want to do. Last week he didn't finish his writing assignment, but I found out later that he read three extra chapters in history for fun.

  4. We're planning a big party for my dad's birthday and my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. My sister is trying to plan a song for our families to sing at a big party. We'll have something like three adult males (one doesn't really sing), two adult females, and five kids ages 10-13. We probably won't have access to a piano, unfortunately, so unless we can figure out recorded accompaniment (unlikely), this will be unaccompanied. Any song suggestions?


    My sister has come up with "Jamaica Farewell" and "Three Coins in a Fountain" because she thinks my father likes them, but I'm hoping for something more celebratory.

  5. I was in grad school when my oldest ds was born 13 years ago. I finished up my degree with baby, worked part time for a few years, and then "retired" when my employer outsourced my job. I'm actually back at work full time now because dh is unemployed, but I'd give up my job to homeschool my dc in a heartbeat. I work from home so I'm very involved in their lives, but dh is the primary homeschooling parent now.


    I'm no longer on the career path that I was on in grad school, since I closed a number of doors by not continuing full time.

  6. Thanks everyone for the hugs and the understanding. We have been homeschooling for three years and while we have agreed to disagree its seems like every year at this time she gets a little crazy....:001_huh:.

    :grouphug: This is our 10th year homeschooling, and finally, this is the first year that my parents have not gone crazy about our decision to homeschool. I hope your mom changes her mind sooner than mine did!

  7. Wow, thank you all so much for the wonderful advice! This board is just a wealth of information.


    I really like the idea of a comprehensive geometry final. We can not only get a justifiable grade from that, but it also will be good for ds to review the material he learned last year.


    We'll keep the chemistry records and decide later, that's an excellent idea too.

  8. We are calling this year my ds's 9th grade year. He started two potentially

    "high school" courses last year - Geometry (using Jacobs) and chemistry (using Spectrum chemistry). He has a few chapters left to go in Geometry, so I'm guessing he'll finish that in October. We didn't keep good records last year, so we don't have test grades or anything for him. This year we are planning to keep track. Obviously he isn't applying to colleges yet, but I'm trying to keep good records as we go. He's thinking about vet school, or possibly some STEM research, so I want to make sure that his math/science records are clear.


    Would you put the geometry on his transcript as a credit? Or would you put it in a special section for "before high school" since it was mostly completed before high school? Would you assign his grade for the course based on this year's material?


    The chemistry he's not even halfway through, mostly because we were trying to do it together with another family, and we ran into scheduling difficulties. The tentative plan is to finish Spectrum Chemistry this year, and to do AP chemistry next year. So he will have another chemistry credit on his transcript anyway.


    He is going to do another math course (algebra 2) and science course (Earth Science) this year. Those will definitely count as 9th grade, and we'll keep proper records. So I don't think he desperately needs the credits for geometry and chemistry, but I'm trying to do the right thing here.

  9. We're going with Lightning Lit 7 this year for my 6th grade ds. He's a strong reader, and from our discussions of the books he's read this summer I feel he's ready for meatier analysis of books than he's done so far. I think LL 7 will ease him into that.

    :iagree::iagree: My 6th grade ds will be doing Lightning Lit 7 too.

  10. I would be concerned about the science section on the ACT for a student who has not had any high school science. It does not test actual science content, but being familiar with the vocabulary and sort of knowing what they are talking about is very helpful, because there is a lot of information that needs to be absorbed very quickly.


    As far as CTY goes, the science section doesn't matter. They only look at the reading and math.




    My ds did a practice ACT and a practice SAT last year (7th grade). He actually liked the ACT better, but we ended up having him take the SAT in case he scored high enough to qualify for SET. He came close, but didn't qualify for SET anyway.

  11. We got the answers (which we really needed) from the publisher with proof of purchase and proof of homeschooling.


    Ruth in NZ


    I just got the Tarbuck book, which looks great, and I've got the Investigations book on order. When you say you "got the answers" - is that the answers to the review questions in the Tarbuck book, or answers to stuff in the Investigations book, or something else? I figure we can use all the help we can get.

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