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Posts posted by coloradomomof5

  1. Another option would be to choose a few books from SL and do novelties with them. I think we are going to go with LL and use SL or BUL as an additional reading list. My 9th grader is trying illuminating lit this year with a SL reading list.

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  2. We used PAC World Cultural Geography.  It can easily be done in a semester .  We stretched it to a year by adding music, art, literature, food, etc.  But, done as it, you can do it in semester.


    AOP LifePac has a 1 semester government.  I think BJU and Abeka does as well.


    PAC looked interesting. What did u like about it? How long daily did u spend? Would ur kiddo recommend it to another?

  3. We use H2T. I disagree. I feel like lots is being learned in the classes below essay. MLA format, editing, vocab, spelling, word choice just to name a few. We have had one teacher that was less than great but the others have been positive and quick to respond. Class is all by typing so that takes getting used to but also builds their skills. We have taken 6 classes and are signed up for more. Their writing progression is unique but they seem to be working through all the items needed.

  4. I am looking at science for the fall for my girls in grades 1,3,5.  We have done the Calvert science books where a little bit about each topic is covered each year and goes deeper as they get older.  I am open to combining as many grades as possible and have ruled out Apologia based on needing a greater variety over the year.  Does anyone have experience with Elemental Science or have a suggestion.  I have also looked briefly at BookShark science as we will be doing their history/literature as well.


    IDEAS?? and why you love it!


    p.s. I also have a 4 year old and 8th and 9th grade boys at home as well

  5. First, thanks for alal the ideas on the English for a 9th grader.  i am closing in on Illuminating Literature.  Someone mentioned a recording where she talk about her lit ideas.  Does anyone have a link?  I loved what I saw on her website and think we will go in that directions.


    Next subject, my 9th grader needs geography and government this year, one semester each. I am looking at Notgrasss for gov't and NorthStar for geography.  I am open to other ideas and suggestions.  I like to show him a few and let him pick.  Going with the whole have them get on board before we get started.


    TIA.  You'll give me so much confidence that this HS thing is going to happen.

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