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Posts posted by Catalytic

  1. Has he considered delayed service, so he could go in as an officer?  A friend's son committed yesterday, and is A1C until he finishes college and then he will be 2LT.  He's in a ROTC program at his college.  (I *think* he's at FSU but I can't remember)


    Just finished reading that, very thought provoking.  We've never even mentioned my son's shellfish allergy in a restaurant, I'm not sure I knew you could.  We avoid mainly seafood restaurants and we never order it at our table, but we also pre-load Benadryl anytime we think shellfish is a possibility in a restaurant.  Thankfully, son quickly learned "the warning tingle" on his lips, and if he gets it, he and I leave immediately and Dad sits with the siblings to finish and pay.  (We learned to pre-load him after a tingle at a Mexican restaurant..he and I got up to leave and by the time we got out to our vehicle, his lips were quite swollen and he was clawing at his throat.  That's when the allergist told us that just the smell could trigger him.)

  3. I haven't ever heard of a cinnamon allergy, that really stinks, too.  (I've noticed more things with cinnamon since peanut allergy became a thing, as well.  Yes, I know there have always been people with peanut allergies, but it has become a lot more prevalent in recent years.)


    I don't see an easy solution, because there are so many potential allergens.  I just thought it "funny" to see this article in my feed after the discussion of animals on planes recently.

  4. Alexa stopped working on Thursday, I had just purchased a new non-OEM power cord at the end of July, because the OEMs were out of stock.  I called Amazon and cried on a tech's shoulder, and he overnighted me a new OEM charger that arrived today and now Alexa works again.  I love Amazon!


    I usually have really bad experiences at Burger Kings, order is wrong, poor customer service, etc.  Yesterday, I went to one while my son was in a "job interview" elsewhere, and when I got to the food window, the lady asked if I had chocolate milk and a Coke.  I was thinking 2 Cokes (and the chocolate milk), but as I thought about what I ordered, I realized I forgot to order one.  I apologized to the lady for taking a moment to reply and explained I had to run through the order in my head because I meant to order 2 Cokes.  She turned, filled up another Coke, and handed it to me and said Merry Christmas Early!



    • Like 4
  5. Yes, I've mentioned that before and tell all my allergy friends because it is such a cost difference :)


    That autoinjector is the one I make Walgreens special order for me. It takes longer because they don't stock it but it's much cheaper, by more than half in my area.



    Oops, somehow I completely missed you mentioning it.  I thought EpiPen was the only one on the market right now due to the ummm...forgot the brand...recall.  GoodRX shows it as low as $145 for 2 injectors.  Wonder if more pharmacies will start stocking it now that it's getting press.

  6. I might send them to private school! I already find ways to purchase the curricula that works best, even if pricey. The only thing I had held off on is the Life of Fred series. I might buy those to have on hand and go through at our leisure. And, Artistic Pursuits. Art tends to take a backseat.


    Educents seems to run the best price on them, I see used ones selling fast for more than Educents charges...in case you decide to buy them.

  7. I don't carry a purse at all, so it would be a big inconvenience. Mostly, though, I haven't found any lefty scissors that are worth using. Maybe my parents were cheap! They bought me several when I was a kid and they all didn't work well. Perhaps if I had experienced really good lefty scissors I would feel differently and would never want to go back to righty ones! :)


    If you're as old as me, they probably didn't really make them back then.  When I was in elementary, school provided the scissors, they were all silver with same size rings and the teacher transported them in a little wire rack that held enough for a classroom.

  8. For us personally, my DH's siblings went to strict Catholic schools, and one of his brothers got his hand beat when he tried to be lefty.  My MIL went so far as tying his left hand behind his back for a while to force him to be a righty.  I *suspect* that my husband was born a lefty, too (he's left eye dominant, he wears his wallet and watches on the wrong side, he starts running and walking left foot first).  DS6 started showing a lefty preference as soon as he started grasping things, and DH said right then we would never encourage right over left.  I buy lefty scissors, lefty spirals, etc.  DS still voluntarily switches between hands, but we never, ever try to correct his dominance.

  9. Well, here's a funny coincidence. We actually spent all of last night with a shih tzu puppy! I'm not terribly fond of small dogs, but he was pretty cute. BUT four hours in, DH's lips and eyes were burning :( So I'm pretty sure we've written larger furry pets off entirely *sigh* Every once in awhile I lose perspective and start wishing and hoping and investigating again, but I don't see how it will happen. It looks like hamsters are going to be it for us. Fortunately our current hamster is great, interactive pet, so she'll have to do!


    Thanks again, everyone.


    Well, I think I'd give it a few weeks and (without telling the kids) try a miniature poodle.  (We aren't little dog people either, but my mom's shih poo convinced us they aren't all little barking a-holes.  We have no idea how we went 20 years without our baby girl now, she's awesome LOL)


    I have soooo been in your kids' shoes, except it was my allergy, so i didn't even get to visit with friends' dogs.  I'm guessing most of the other hypo breeds would be a similar reaction to a shih tzu, but I feel like *maybe* a poodle could work, because their hair seems very different from shih tzu/maltese/etc.  If he reacts to a purebred poodle, I'd definitely give up on the dog idea.  Poor guy!

  10. A question, since this topic is hot right now, 


    For those of you in states that do not allow EMTs to have epi on board and to give it, why not bring attention to that and get the laws changed?  Other states allow it.   Surely there are enough parents in your state to gather at the state house, letter campaign, etc to get it looked into and try to make changes.  


    Scary to me as I never would have realized other states would not have epi on board.   I will have to check from this point forward when I travel.  Never occurred to me before.  It is a basic life saving drug.  Why in the world would an ambulance or first responder not have it???????  I was SEVEN learning how to give myself epi..........Why can't trained responders????


    It would be awesome if this Epipen issue could at least change that.


    IIRC, if YOU have an EpiPen, the first responders in AL can use it, they just can't carry it.  I was told the reasoning at one point and have forgotten it.  I'm not currently in AL to mess with fighting about it, that state has so many issues it's not even funny.  Found a link:  https://books.google.com/books?id=dH3PoVcw2ykC&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=do+ambulances+in+alabama+have+epinephrine&source=bl&ots=wJ-geaPfaW&sig=EwFIrGdJVYZ1N6HfV59myh4gPuU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4x8-X9d_OAhWEqR4KHQH4CWEQ6AEINjAE#v=onepage&q=do%20ambulances%20in%20alabama%20have%20epinephrine&f=false that lists the 7 states (as of 2006) that did not carry epi on ambulances.


    It's really rather depressing, because peanuts are huge in AL.

  11. Catalytic, that story made me tear up. I'm glad he's ok!


    We have KozyEpi cases and love them. They are insulated and very durable. The epibelts are nice but wear out fast. The leg holsters are on sale... I found a link to those through this month's Allergic Living Magazine online. I'll try to come back and link. It was a few days ago. Here it is: http://www.omaxcare.com/ I haven't tried them yet, but thinking of it. The kozyepis have been the longest lasting and best we've used, but we keep trying different styles, as the fanny pack is a bit bulky for a12 year old when loaded with epipens and inhalers and spacers. :(


    Worried about the leg thing, that maybe someone wouldn't find it in an emergency?  (We have never had to use his Epi so I have no idea how fast he could go down.  He doesn't have to have an inhaler.  Once his reactions got to the point of swelling lips and throat, we got super vigilant about avoiding it.  We also predose Benadryl whenever we go somewhere that has shellfish in the vicinity.  Sounds bad we didn't avoid it before the swelling, but we didn't really pinpoint it was an allergy until that point.  We just thought he was overeating at Benihana when we would go, and that was making him vomit in the car every time we left, ugh.)


    I ordered a belt holster from Amazon before I thought to ask here, but it gets quite a few reviews saying the belt clip falls off, so I'd like another option.  That KozyEpi belt looks like it would work well for him, I'll just order a few for spares LOL.  THANK YOU!


    (And that neighbor kid is 17 now, he and my allergy kid are the same age, but we didn't know about DS' allergies until he was about 8)

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  12. Oh, speaking of EpiPens, my allergy kid got a job today!!!!  We are looking for some kind of obvious wearable case for him, anyone have recommendations?  He'll be working in a food court, and nearby restaurants do serve seafood, but his does not.  I don't think he can wear a bracelet while he's working (can't remember, I've been out of food service a long time), so we thought a case he could wear on his hip that was clearly medical would be good?  Anyway, the one holster on Amazon seems to have weak clips that break, so I'd love a tried and true recommendation, or even a small fanny pack type?

  13. Declaring them doesn't mean they'll take them away from you. You might only just have to pay taxes on them. Like we have to do with groceries or other goods. If you're close enough to the border, it would be worth looking into it. The price gouging going on is completely egregious. If you can get reasonably priced medicine, do it. We have the exact same product you would get in the US. The only difference is that the packaging and instructions will be in English and French.


    It was more the no prescription needed thing...Canada may not require a prescription, but the US does.


    One other random thought:  not all ambulances carry epinephrine.  It was one of the things we learned from our allergist - when we travel, we need to be aware that different areas will have different supplies on the ambulance.  Where we live, we have to tell 911 that we have used the epi, and may need more on the way to the hospital.  Even so, the ambulance has arrived to our home *without* epinephrine.  For us, we have extras - that means I ride along and epi if needed, administering myself.   I wonder if the reason all ambulances don't carry it is cost?  Because to have epinephrine on *every* ambulance seems a basic need.


    Back in 2001, we lived in duplex military housing in Alabama.  The other half of our duplex was a family who homeschooled and one of their daughters had many severe allergies, and wore an epipen fanny case at all times.  Across the street, another neighbor's DS4 developed a severe peanut allergy very quickly.  Doc for whatever reason wouldn't give an epipen.  One day, the 4 year old went into anaphylactic shock, they called 911.  Ambulance got there quickly, and said they didn't have epi on board, it wasn't allowed.  Thankfully, the moment everything started happening, the 4 year old's mom went outside and started yelling....fortunately the HS'ing neighbor heard and she used her daughter's epi when the medics said they didn't have it.  We were fairly rural, I've no doubt that kiddo would have died in the time it took to get to a hospital.  (And yes, he came home from the ER with a script for epipens!)


    I don't believe it's allowed on ambulances in AL even now, as I remember when my son was renewing his EMT that he mentioned something about it.

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  14. My DS6 does better with true lefty, too.  If I give him righty/ambi scissors, he will switch to cutting with his right hand because he gets frustrated with the blade not cutting.  I suspect DS is ambidextrous (he kicks righty, thinks he wants to bat and golf righty), but his motor skills are definitely better in his left hand.

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