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Posts posted by Occasionally

  1. Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements can also be helpful with mild depression. If it gets worse please seek professional advice. Depression has physical causes that sometimes need to be addressed through medication. Vitamin D status may also play a role, have yours checked or just start a supplement and make sure you're getting plenty of time in the sun. Exercise too. (((hugs)))


    This is just what I thought of when I read your post. :grouphug:


    Fish oil, vitamin D, exercise and morning sun. It's my "happy pill."


    Hope you feel better soon!


  2. I think you might be surprised at how much they listen.  Especially if they are taking the time to door knock.  Listening = votes.


    Quoting you again to say that my brother (who is a lawyer for the state House of Representatives, and who has met this guy) said the same thing this morning after I told him my story. I'm hopeful.

  3. I did my internship with one of California's Representatives. From what I saw, the reps were much more responsive to issues brought to their attention by real people (in person). If you can have a few other people make an effort to mention it in person or call in followed with a letter, you might be surprised. Being calm and well versed is key.


    I would not recommend a mass mailing of cookie cutter letter or post cards. Those always got dumped on my desk to look through. Letters that were not a template were then passed on to the staffer in charge of the issue or a Chief of Staff.


    Maybe I should send a letter as a follow-up, too. It would certainly show that I'm interested enough in the matter to do more than talk at the man while he happens to be here.

  4. He just knocked on the door. I suspect he didn't think anyone would actually answer.


    I explained the redundancy of using an evaluator but still having to submit to the district. (I don't follow those regulations myself, though--as a certified teacher I use the Private Tutor law.) I also mentioned that along with NY PA has the most difficult regulations.


    I can't imagine that anything would come of it, but it was sort of nice to be able to dump it on him a little.

  5. I think the difference, for me, is that an occasional mention of religion in LOF doesn't lead to bias or errors in the actual math.


    Whereas a history curriculum written from an explicitly Christian perspective, even if the author is making an effort to be "objective," will still have an inherent bias in terms of what people/events/institutions are included and how they're portrayed. Plus, SWB is basically an English teacher, not a historian, and I've read too many reviews pointing out factual errors. That's the same reason I wouldn't use her adult series for high school — I'd rather read something written by a historian who has a deep background in the subject and a unique voice, not someone who's just "compiling facts" because she has a book contract.


    Do you have any suggestions off the top of your head for history in high school then? (coming from someone whose oldest is only ten, so plenty of time yet...and I haven't researched this on my own yet)


  6. I'm about to start a quickie (15 minute) ashtanga video by David Swenson. I'm posting now and will edit to add when I'm done, so I will have a reason to get off my duff. I might not breathe all too well due to a stuffy nose, but gosh I really need to get it done.


    Edit: Done. Before the sun salutation A's were done, I could breathe. Note to self: stuffy noses are not a good excuse.

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