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Posts posted by Occasionally

  1. Well, it's a moot point. We wound up not making the offer because the realtor didn't think we could get concessions to cover the cost--we don't have the money for something like that out of pocket that's a "ready for move in" deal breaker. We're back to house hunting.


    You'd never know if you could *actually* get those concessions until you put in an offer, no matter what the realtor thinks.


    We were of the "doesn't hurt to make the offer" type when house hunting.


    Good luck.

    • Like 2
  2. Which just yuck.  Most of that not my thing.  Maybe the sunflower seeds.  And I had no time to prep veg.  I mean when?  We had to be out of there at 6 in the morning.  I really needed easy stuff that didn't require prep. 



    I'm sorry that people haven't come up with foods that are agreeable to you.


    But you know what's not my thing?


    The very real fear and anxiety that my child might *die* because you haven't found foods that are acceptable enough to you for the duration of a plane flight.

    • Like 5
  3. I don't have suggestions, but your DD sounds awesome. Your MIL needs to get over her hangups. And she definitely needs to stop telling your DD that she would be "better" if she went to school!


    I would be having a strong private talk with MIL if I were you :(


    And if you wouldn't mind, could you PM me with info about the online writing club? My DD11 is also an aspiring writer, also pretty shy (but not unhappy about it) and I think she would be interested. :)

    • Like 3
  4. I think comments made in the course of a discussion are one thing — there have certainly been derogatory comments about atheists (they have no morals!), Muslims, Catholics, and various denominations of Christians made in a multitude of threads here.


    But IMO that's different from purposely starting a thread with the sole purpose of mocking the beliefs of fellow board members. That's just being nasty for the sake of being nasty, not an expression of sincere beliefs made in the course of an actual discussion.


    I think the reaction would have been very different if someone had started a thread called "How to be a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Hindu/Pagan" and posted a link to a video mocking that group. People would be wondering WTH was the point of that, other than to insult the board members with those beliefs?


    To me, the issue isn't even the content (which I think is lame and unoriginal), it's the snotty intent behind starting a thread for the sole purpose of mocking people.


    Can I get a RAmen?

    • Like 6
  5. Do you know when one could? Like 6 or 8?


    My grandfather was 6'9". I'm the shortest person to be born from that man at 5'10". I'm *positive* that boy will surpass me. He is HUGE. Everyone thinks he's 8.


    Couch Potato to 5K is a an interval running training program. It's often shortened to C25K or Ct5K.


    Of course every kid will be different, but my DS9 ran and won his category in his first 5k at 6 years old (3 months away from his 7th birthday.) Didn't walk a step.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for checking. It's bizarre and frustrating. My DD got on using this computer this morning, but now I can't get on. I recently did a Windows update, but will check the Java and Flash you mentioned.


    ETA: Just got on and did my French! I don't trust it now, though :glare:

    • Like 1
  7. Parish the thought. I mean the answer to the question, "How many pounds of sweet potatoes should I use to prepare a dish for 23 people?" is precisely: Zero. Zero sweet potatoes. 


    The conversation might go like this:


    Hey Quill, what are you bringing to dinner for Easter?

    Anything but sweet potatoes. 





    Hey Quill, will you bring the sweet potatoes?

    What sweet potatoes?

    The ones we'll have for dinner.

    I won't step near your house if you serve those foul stones that were laid by demons in the ground on a full moon. They taste like dirt and are full of Vitamin Evil. 

    Omg, you're right! How could I have been so blind? Thank you! Thank you for saving my soul! 

    You're welcome. I'll bring ice cream.

    I love you.


    I like sweet potatoes, but :lol:



    • Like 1
  8. My older two did labs in double periods at their high schools. The school schedules rotated between either six or seven different "days" with one day in the rotation having a double period for each subject (not just sciences).


    When I taught high school chemistry, this is what several local school districts did. Every sixth day would be a double period, and we could fit quite a bit into that time period.


    I would have to have equipment out but I would not set it up unless the lab was very long. Writeups (pre- and post-lab) would happen outside of class.


    In college, lab classes were separate from lecture classes, and far longer (I seem to remember four-hour labs, but I'm not positive about that.)

  9. I think this is a really common experience for teaching middle school science. It's not like there was anything all that new for my kid, or lots of other kids, either. I am pretty sure lots and lots of kids already know about plate tectonics and earthquakes, and weather (Although ds did like keeping track of the weather for an entire month, lol).  I ran into it again and again, and you hear a lot of parents struggling with this on this board.


    I do think your take on it, to just drop formal science until other skills catch up is a tempting and totally valid option. That ended up being pretty much what we did for 7th grade (chemistry, total bust year)  for sure. Then I found an algebra based physical science for 8th and that was a much better science year.


    It does get really frustrating when teaching middle grade science. One homeschooling mom here described it as 'hitting the math wall'. Their skills in math can only take them so far in science, and if you have already covered a lot there isn't much that is new by the time you are in late elementary to middle school.


    Maybe something like Hakim's "Story of Science' might be more to your liking? It is a history of science series. There are three textbooks, each one looks to be enough for a school year. It does have a more science-y supplement, the books themselves are history. But, if a middle grade kid really likes science s/he might find these books very interesting. I have the books, but I don't have the teacher and student supplements. I know some people here have used them with their middle school age kid and used them as both history and science combined.


    And another possibility is taking on a real experiment. Maybe your kid already does that? But I have seen the suggestion of designing and carrying out a long term science experiment or science fair type project and presentation as a remedy for kids who have pretty much skilled out of middle grade science.


    I gave my kid a choice. He could either use the CPO science or do a science fair type project. He took the CPO, so I guess he was feeling lazy, lol.


    Would you mind sharing what algebra based physical science you used? Thanks!


  10. When I was young we lived in Florida and came "home" to Pennsylvania for Christmas. One year it snowed, and as we had no cold-weather stuff, my mom put trash bags over our shoes and socks on our hands. We wore a second pair of pants and whatever coat we had. We had a wonderful time.

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