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Posts posted by LauraClark

  1. I love the idea of a chat! Ds6 has a fall birthday, so I'm doing 1st grade with him, but not worried if he's more K level in some things. He is doing really well with reading (we're using OPG). He is very motivated (seeing his older 2 brokers helps) which I am thankful for, because since dd was born a few months ago it has been very hard to do school with him. He just finished reading an easy star wars reader he got from the library. 

    We're off school this week, but last week we did kind of a pre break break where I taught the kids different skills. His was tying a shoe. He kept wanting to practice all week. That kid is an enthusiastic learner right now. I'm struggling to find the time to sit down with him every day, but trying to give myself grace.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, SilverMoon said:

    You might look at the spines for Build Your Library level 7, which is a world geography year. I'm planning on using the lit and readers with my youngest this coming year; he'll also be a 7th grader. 

    I really like the look of DK's Where on Earth; Geography as You've Never Seen it Before for a supplement. There's a World Geography & Cultures textbook on it's way to me but I haven't seen a good sample yet. If we use it we'd just be reading and discussing like any other book and not just working through the textbook. 

    Oo-thank you! I do like some of those spines. I also saw The Flag Book as I was looking at some of those resources-that will be a fun one for him!

  3. I'm working on curriculum for next year for ds11 (will be 7th grade). He's pretty proficient in general geographical knowledge: where countries are located, physical features, major cities around the world, etc. I was thinking of having him choose a country every two weeks or so and read about it using nonfiction books from the library. I still like that idea, but our library stinks-an extremely limited selection. Anyone have any recommendations for books? I'd rather not have to purchase separate books on each country-maybe one book that has several pages on each country? I'm also open to any other geography ideas-I don't want a workbook, it will suck all of the joy and learning from this child, just informational type books.

  4. I saw this article and thought of this topic:



    My take aways are, yes, it's likely that AI is going to end a lot of jobs, but it will also open up a ton of opportunities. One of the things I'm trying to do for my kids is not pigeon hole them into a career. So often we ask our kids what they want to be. DS11 will respond with "author". I'm trying to show him the things he enjoys: he enjoys being creative with words and telling a story. Where can you use that ability? In a million different jobs-not just "author". I enjoyed photography and pursued a degree in photography. I ended up switching majors half way through because I could see that there were a lot of aspects about being a photographer that weren't going to work for me. I don't take a ton of pictures anymore, but I do enjoy thinking about things in a creative way-part of my personality that made me think photography was what I wanted. All that to say, we can't predict the future and what society will look like or what jobs will be available (but we've never been able to do that!)-we can encourage our kids in the things they are gifted in, I think in a general sense rather than a specific sense-even if those things don't turn out to be careers for them.

    • Like 1
  5. This week we are doing our state required testing (which actually takes way less time to complete each day than our normal workload), 4/10 we are on spring break, which leaves next week. I thought I might do some different educational kinds of things. My kids are 11, 9, and 6 (plus 3 and baby). My current ideas: clean a room each day (education on properly cleaning things), teach ds11 an intro to sewing, read a math book (we have Math in Camelot), teach ds6 how to tie a shoe, go to a museum. Any other ideas? The kids will be so excited!

    • Like 3
  6. I frequently take a nap with dd, who is 2 months, on me and have from the start. Sometimes I have her wrapped on me and sometimes I just have her tucked in a way that feels safe. I'm a light sleeper and feel confident napping this way. As I understand it, a lot of the cosleeping danger is from parents under the influence of drugs or alcohol. I would assume that sleeping in the carrier would be the same risk. 🤷‍♀️

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  7. Is Dictation Day by Day CM? I think I'm reading that it would be? I switched to using that around 3rd grade for my oldest because the list approach was not working. The first year and a half was rough-he missed a lot of words. But he only misses one or two usually now (6th grade). The next ds (4th) is still struggling, but I'm starting to see some improvement lately-I don't think a list approach would be great for him either. Here's what we do:

    Day before: I give them the list of new words for the upcoming day and they write them

    Day of: I dictate their sentence(s). I correct any mistakes and they fix them. Ds4th alternates between typing the sentences and writing a silly cursive sentence using some of his missed words.

    Once a week: I make silly sentences from the review words to dictate to them. It's their favorite day.


    I mostly do the classical approach, but there are elements of CM that I enjoy and try to incorporate into our homeschool.

  8. 17 hours ago, Quill said:

    Over The Top. Like it struck me as unusual. 

    The only subsequent baby showers I’ve been to were for a baby after a long time/age gap. Or an adoption after an age gap. 

    But I like the clarification that they are common for someone, if not for me. 

    We just had our 5th baby. We have been given showers/sprinkles for every one (even though I tried my best to discourage them-haha!) -the first four babies were all the same gender and we literally needed nothing for 2-4 (we cloth diaper mostly). Most of the gifts for babies 2-4 were diapers/wipes. For baby #2 my church threw me a praying shower which was my favorite-no gifts, just praying over me and baby. But, if you're invited to a sprinkle and it doesn't specifically say no gifts I would assume they are expected.

    I do think showers for subsequent babies is based somewhat on location. I grew up in Michigan and there is no way I would have been given a shower for babies of the same gender. I live in North Carolina now, and it is very common.

    • Like 1
  9. Come on baby!

    Ds #3 was nearly born before I was fully checked in at the hospital. The first two babies had been quick-ish-6 hours or so of labor-so I figured I had a little time. I apparently have a pretty high pain tolerance and wasn't too concerned because I could still "talk through the contractions", not pleasantly, but I could make myself talk through them. When I finally called dh to come home I figured we still had time. He closed all the storm windows, I sprayed bleach in the shower, we stopped at the bank to make a deposit on the way, he almost stopped to get lunch. I had an epidural with the first two babies, but when they checked me once I arrived at the hospital with #3 I was at a 9-epidural was not happening. But, not having an epidural was the best experience and I didn't have one with the next two babies either. Dh has been very nervous about getting to the hospital on time with babies #4 and #5 (I kept my labor a secret for an hour with baby #5 because I didn't want him riding me off early to the hospital-lol!) Looking forward to reading your post of baby's arrival!!

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  10. This summer dh had a freak infection in his elbow that resulted in a week in the hospital. We have no family here. I have lots of friends who I could ask for help, and I know they would be willing, but it's really hard to ask. My bil and sil happened to be visiting part of that week and it was so wonderful to have someone to watch the kids so I could go to the hospital. I felt no guilt leaving them with bil/sil like I would have with friends. Just my experience, I know everyone is different, but I was so thankful for family here at that moment.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Annie G said:

    Thanks. They’re on the road to recovery, but Dd remembers when she was a kid and knows it was easier for us.  Different time, different place…smaller town where our docs knew us.  You know, running into them at the grocery store or social event, our kids’ tennis matches, etc. 


    Sigh...I really long for that community-type feel. We live in a pretty small town, but I think that era is gone. 😭

    • Like 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, rebcoola said:

    We don't have a doctor that will see all but once someone tests positive for strep or whatever we have had luck doing an on Virtual appointment through our insurance app to get a prescription for others

    Oh, that's something I hadn't thought of-I'll look into it insurance and see if that's an option.

  13. 43 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

    For us it depends on whether the doctor is part of a large medical practice or a standalone. Same goes for our dentist. When it is part of a large medical group like Kaiser, they book each appointment slot per member ID/name.
    Our former pediatrician would squeeze in both our kids when they were younger on the same slot if he can but he is not supposed to. One parent would have to make the out of pocket payment for the second child while the other parent stay with the kids.

    For standalone doctors and dentists, they are willing to see everyone if time permits while one parent handles the billing. They are also willing to see us outside of their official hours if they are free. 

    Yes, our Dr is part of the large medical group-it drives me crazy! Maybe I need to look elsewhere-which breaks my heart because I really do like my Dr.

  14. 52 minutes ago, Annie G said:

    We were blessed to have a family doctor for all of us. He was great about situations like op mentioned.   Dd has 4 kids and her current experience is exactly like op mentioned, right down to strep running through the kids this week. one.at.a.time.

    I'm sorry-hope they get what they need and get better asap!

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, KSera said:

    Do your kids have a pediatrician? I don’t know if this is standard, but our pediatrician is always happy to see the kids all at once and treats them all as family and relates their various medical things to what she knows about their siblings.

    It's a family Dr. Maybe that's the issue? We've had a ped in the past, but they were kind of condescending and I always felt like I was a failure parent at each well check. Maybe it was just that ped, though (although I've heard others same similar things about their experiences)?

  16. This has been my week:

    Sat: take ds9 to urgent care in a neighborhood town (no appts available in our town). He tests positive for strep. He gets an antibiotic

    Sun: take ds6 to same urgent care. He tests negative (a notoriously false negative test). Same symptoms as ds9. Urgent care will not give him an antibiotic. I send a message to my Dr on behalf of ds3, ds6, and ds11 who all have the same symptoms hoping to get them antibiotics (note: we're not a family that abuses antibiotics-this is only the second time the kids have ever had to have them)

    Tue: baby girl has a well check and I'm able to talk to my Dr. She is waiting on customer service to send her my message. 

    Wed: Dr finally gets my message and is able to prescribe antibiotics. My throat starts hurting and I put an urgent call in to my Dr.

    Thur: no response from Dr so I call again. Dr says I need to come in...next available appt is NEXT THURSDAY! Nevermind-I go to a medical clinic nearby and am able to get antibiotics (thankfully!!). 


    We are not sick often, but when we are, we ALL get the same thing (obviously...) and it is impossible to get into our Dr (who I really really like). Urgent care treats us like individuals who have never met and couldn't possibly have the same illness. And when I try to make dr appts I have to make them for each individual person. I really want a family Dr who is actually willing to see our whole family together and treat us like a family. Do any other large families experience this? Any workarounds? 

    Illness is frustrating enough without all of this craziness. It has been a week!

    • Sad 6
  17. 32 minutes ago, Malam said:

    My bad! The Swiss Family Robinson is another shipwrecked story like Robinson Crusoe (not a pirate one)

    For a more contemporary novel about actual (fictional) pirates, check out Fish. I read it personally a long time ago and while I remember it fondly, I can't remember any innuendo.

    Thanks-I'll look into Fish! I had read Swiss Family Robinson to them, but it's been a few years so maybe ds would want to give it another read.

  18. They forgot to send my group b step test to the lab and had planned to have me retested at my next appt...except she came before the appt. The Dr didn't realize the test wasn't necessarily negative until after she was born. They just wanted to keep us 24 hours to make sure she was ok. But, it's my understanding that even if you're actively positive the chance of passing it on is low. Rest easy! I'd aim to do what they recommend, but not be worried about what will happen if you're not able to follow the advice.

    • Thanks 1
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