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Posts posted by GnomeyNewt

  1. I think it's almost a speed trap. I hate it... I like hours.. or flashing lights... I'm looking around... thinking... "Are you a kid?? In college??" It's crazy here!!


    I think no matter if it says "when children are present" or time limit, or even flashing lights --- I think they are all speed traps -- simply because they are not consistent!


    Our county uses all 3 at different schools, so you can't just assume what sign you've just past and what it said because there are sooooo many schools/signs to remember, especially if you are not in that particular area often. How are we suppose to guess whats going on with this weird traffic alerting system? There is one in particular, that says 7am to 5pm .... it is the only one in the entire district that is marked for ALL DAY (which we do remember because every person we know has gotten a ticket there, I am exaggerating a little bit, but you get the point) -- But what are the hours for school? Are we to assume when they are not on holiday or summer break?


    For us, we drive slow no matter what day of the week or month... I don't trust the signs and I have no idea when kids are in school (for obvious reasons) :auto: Sorry if you are behind us! :)

  2. I filed last year for language arts and history, and I loved it. It was great to have each item needed already printed and sorted out. If I have to do any busy work during the school year, it just doesn't happen or stresses me out because I do it at the last minute from forgetting.


    This year, I will try to do as many subjects as I can in one folder, instead of different folders for each subject. So I plan to have 1 folder a week for both of my kids, total 2 folders per week. In the weekly folders, I will include a schedule for the week for each subject, so using workbooks and such will be okay as it will be listed. This is more so for my DH, because he has to take over the school day sometimes -- and I don't always have a moment to write down or tell him what we are moving onto that day. The folders we did this year helped him for those 2 subjects.


    We have gotten off the "week" a few times here and there, for instance right now we are on week 26, day 3... but it is Friday. Eventually it all evens out and it doesn't bother me -- as I don't see "week" as being Mon-Fri, but more of a 4 days of school. So we get to it when we get to it. It does bother my DH though!


    I would rather buy the pdf of a book, than cut up a book. So we won't be doing any book cutting. I do own a lot of pdf's for this reason!

  3. I think your plan sounds great, since the cost is the same. If it does both sides at once, I say go for it because that is a feature I would LOVE. I don't really ever do color copies either, but if you do need to you still can scan it with your old one and than print it from your new printer :).


    Only issue I would think you need to consider, is that it will take up more space. I currently have 2 printers, an all-in-one color inkjet that pretty much just scans and a b/w copy/printer, which I use the most and is always out. I store my all-in-one during most of the year.

  4. Real Science Odyssey by Pandia Press.


    For the pp that asked about Chemistry, we're using it now and it's so much fun, it's by far our favorite. The experiments are great and lots of fun as usual.


    Thanks for letting me know, glad to hear it is fun too! I suspected that we would love the Chemistry as much as the previous 2 we have used. The format and openness of the curriculum works wonderfully for us. Allows us rabbit trails and still helps us keep on track.

  5. Update: I handed 13ds a soapy bucket & washrag. He did an incredible job. I wish I could sell it now, but I already gave my word. This kid is going to have fridge duty from now on. LOL


    Awesome thing to find out about your kid!


    I think it would depend on how dirty something really was. But as you did, a quick wipe down seemed to do the trick which is the least I would do.

  6. I've only read 2 so far to my DD 7 yrs old, and she loves these and requested that we start to go in order, since I read book #1 & #22 to her so far. So we now have book #2. I agree that these are NOT great literature, but they are really fun. Kind of like learning about science with the Magic School Bus series, she is now learning about History in a fun way.


    I would really be upset too if somebody threw out my book! Regardless of weather a person likes a book or not, should they not give it back to owner?

  7. He just tells me that I should pick what I think looks good. He trusts my judgement. And he will listen, but he glazes over after a while. :lol: Kind of like I do when he talks about certain video games or something.


    The bad thing is, I drool over yarn, and fabric as well. He will ask, "more yarn? more fabric?" :lol: At least he doesn't say "more curriculum?"


    :lol: This describes DH and I, but I stopped mentioning the yarn buying a while ago... least he gets socks out of some of it!

  8. Not a fan of this new layout.


    Loved the old catalog layout and enjoyed reading the descriptions of the books, sort of drew you into the cores they were offering by displaying the good literature it would be covering. It was always the books that made the cores interesting, in this new catalog it seems like just a bunch of book lists - nothing to "show" what is so great about it.


    And what happened to their little side guide with ages/grades... that was an awesome feature. The new headers just aren't as effective.

  9. I noticed that the SOTW is sold this way a lot and have bought SOTW Activity Guides 2 & 3 this way, so it is already done. I will go ahead and have it done with my SOTW 1 too. On a funny note though, I asked my DH to do the job because we have all the tools! He was a little freaked out at first when I explained to him why and said I'd just do it myself. :c)


    I would really only do this to books 1) I was going to keep or not resell, 2) Books that commonly have their spines removed for ease of use. I could not in good conscious ever remove the spine of a perfectly good book that if resold, the new owner would likely want its spine on it.

  10. Hehe, I do not have an E-reader at all yet. In fact I really know very little about them. My sister bought a Kindle, and I was not overly impressed with it. My dh and and read a bunch of reviews about the NOOK color, and they look awesome to us. I think we might just go crazy and buy one.:lol: I'm usually a cheap skate and don't like buying expensive things.


    I'm right there with you! I usually don't like to buy expensive things, and this to me is expensive. I have been thinking about getting an e-reader to put some really old books that are free online but expensive to buy IRL.


    I probably won't get one for another few months or so, but its hard to choose. I think I've decided the Nook... but E-ink or color? So many options!


    Does anyone know if the Nook or any other of the reads will also do audio books too?

  11. Yeah, uh, I'm not getting the 'irrational' connection either. I'm 37 and I wouldn't want to dissect something- and while I'm not a vegetarian, I would not personally be able to kill the food I eat; nor would I want to watch it happen.


    If a child- no, a PERSON of ANY age- doesn't want to dissect, kill or otherwise personally harm another living creature, they shouldn't have to. Period.



  12. I'd speak to the child. The words, "That is not the way we behave in my house, " would preface any direction. That way you teach her that you have different expectations than her mom. Maybe not so much better, just different.


    "I'm sorry. In my house we each put our own trash in the bin."


    "That is not the way we behave in my house. In my house we..."




    Sometimes when kids enter a new house (unless she has been there and been told before) they might try to pull some stuff? But you might know her better and if she is like this in other settings too?


    I actually don't mind telling other kids or even adults how they cannot treat me. This is not parenting, this is defending my own sanity! If you give into any of that, it gives that child/person more reason to continue said behavior.

  13. This is the best of 3 articles I have read on the subject. All of them came through friends of mine who are in the industry, or I would trust (um, quantum mechanics physicist at CERN).




    If you want to stock up on Iodine, go for it. I am going to get a nice bottle of wine and some chocolate.


    Acai Berry Tea (thats my thing) - check! Chocolate - triple check! :D


    This is the same article I linked to, just on different domain. It is a very good article, but I would like to be prepared. Sometimes plan A or B or C (or up to Z) doesn't work out, as demonstrated in the current events in Japan.




    Here is a map of the jetsteam for the west coast of North America




    I personally doubt the current steam/radioactive parts released thus far will affect us here in the Northwest. That video could really cause some people chest pains if they don't read up on this situation to get a full scope and understanding of what is going on. If anybody is interested in that website showing the jetstreams go to http://www.stormsurf.com/locals/npac.shtml and click on "jetstreams" (right side of the top nav). This just shows the Pacific ocean, but they have a full range of maps for all over the world.

  14. According to the blog post you posted about earlier and some of the links from WNN at the end of that post, the first and second containment vessels can melt because it is the third vessel that ultimately seals off all radioactive material from the melt down. Also from those links, I understood them to say that the salt-water cooling system in Reactors #1 and #3 is working (this was "Plan B" in the article) and the melting in #2 should be contained in it's third containment vessel regardless.


    This was my undersanding from those sources. Very interesting article, BTW. It has made reading scientific and nuclear reports on Japan much easier to understand.



    Side Note: I passed along that article and read some to my mom (who is receiving precaution evacuation procedures from my baby sister's high school). She immediately commented back, "Well, does the author address the exposed pipes that shouldn't touch sea water?!" Me thinks she prefers the "animated" versions of the news better. FWIW, she is in Houston, Texas and ready to order Iodine. :tongue_smilie:


    The article did ease my concern, but new reports today are saying the main containment vessel, the one next to the cores could melt too. That concerns me. If that first containment vessel stays intact, than it seems that it will contain the radioactive material.


    From what I understand from the many articles/wikipedia, we can use anything to cool down the rods including seawater. However, it seems for some reason they haven't been able to keep the rods covered and/or vent properly the heat. The sea water will just become radioactive, can't be pumped back into the ocean :c).


    Either way, we are not scientist and/or experts! We too are getting potassium iodine tablets too! :c)

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