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Posts posted by GnomeyNewt

  1. I am a night-owl for sure, but I do not like to drive in general. However, if you put me in the right car that I think is fun (aka cars I cannot afford but are super awesome) I might be able to drive for quite a while. Once I get sleepy though, I would have to switch or sleep.

  2. I do 4 days a week and try to squeeze everything in on those days, so the extra day can be used for going to piano lessons or another activity though. We do most of our sit down work during those 4 days, such as workbooks and other work that requries a lot of sitting. We started to do some new PE classes this past month, and I've really needed to adjust our school to fit in with the new schdule. I still read to them read alouds every day of the week that I am able too and of course as Anna said lots of learning still happening on the non-school day.


    You should give it a try to see if it works!

  3. I got this book at the same time we started Level 3. We usually do one day for review of cards and misspelled words in between lessons (otherwise we never do the review so I had to do it on its own day!) and that is when I assigned a homophone workesheet. She also requests a homophone sheet when we reach new homophones in our lesson, but if we've already completed the sheet, we review it instead. We haven't played the games yet, but I'm in the process of getting that ready. My DD loves this book and asks for it if she hasn't had one for a while. There is also a little riddle usually at the end of the page, which she enjoys using her new words to make up a new riddle of her own.


    Having said all that, it is a supplement and not necessary to do any of the AAS lessons. We do enjoy this book quite a bit and it defiantly worth it for us!

  4. It has been pretty easy in this state to homeschool. We are on our first "official" year. The form we filled out for our district asked their name/date of birth/age/grade, and had more spaces to eventually add all my children on the same form.


    The Seattle/Olympia/Kitsap areas have a lot of different activities. There is a lot of hiking or beach combing you can get into around here, if you don't mind the cold or wait till warmer months. There are homeschooling groups on Yahoo Groups that I belong to that are pretty active.


    As for the records, you need to keep your yearly test or assessment but as far as I know and asked around, nobody asks to see these. They are for your own personal records. There are 11 subjects that are required, but a lot of the topics can be covered quite easily. The Washington Homeschooling Association website lists out the current law and also has a lot of other useful information:





    My favorite part of WA is that state law requires school districts to allow homeschoolers equal access to public school programs - extracurriculars like sports and individual classes in middle school/high school (long-term I'm thinking foreign language and science). Enjoy the move!


    This is great to know! I was going to start looking into what access we had to the public schools!


    Up in kirkland (about an hourish north of ft lewis) there is even a homeschool bookstore. (homeschoolpotpourrie) they have lots of used, consigned and new.


    I was just up there today! I will be sure to sneak off next time to check it out.

  5. We tried xtramath first as it is free, but my daughter hated it. As for the program itself, it is wonderful! They can login and do "flashcards" which you can also use on a tablet. It keeps track of progress for you. We tried it for a few months, but those 5 minutes were like fingernails on a chalkboard with her so we moved on. Just plain flash cards were the same thing as xtramath, so those weren't "fun" for her either.


    What we have ended up doing for addition but we will do this for subtraction and multiplication as well, is a multi-sensory type program. Worksheets, games, flash cards, and reward book (sort of like All About Spelling charts which my daughter loves) combined to sort of bring out memorization of these facts.


    The program I've found, though it is printing intense and it was designed for classroom use, but I managed to adapt it to home use is these Mental Math Strategies:




    You can download individual strategies or a whole set for either addition, subtraction or multiplication. I can only speak on the addition so far which we've done over the past 2 months and through all the curriculum (Math Mammoth (primary curriculum for 1st/2nd), Teaching Textbooks, Singapore, Miquon, and random Scholastic $1 books) we've tried, nothing has made her facts stick as the strategies/activities I found in these units. My daughter does well with workbooks, she prefers them most of the time but for math facts this multi-sensory approach that reinforces concepts with multiple activities has worked like a charm.


    The creator of these units has made videos you can click on in the descriptions. They are quite lengthy up to 10 minutes which explain her product and exactly what they teach and how if your interested.



    To this day, I can not say the Preamble to the Constitution without singing it. :D


    On a side note... Me too! I can sing many famous documents... :lol:

  6. If there is going to be excessive jostling of the tiles, maybe it will be a problem but overall after over 2 1/2 years use on my tiles (I got mine used) they don't show any signs of wear. We do leave ours up at all times, so they are just moved around on the white board. They have fallen a bunch. Maybe the tiles are manufactured differently now? But the ones I have are pretty sturdy.


    Also the starter packs are the same from what I've read. We are going to start on All About Reading Pre Level 1 soon and I didn't get a new starter pack because when I was reading the materials/samples it said we wouldn't need one if we don't mind sharing the tiles with the different students.

  7. In the 30 days I "thought" I could do without Amazon Prime after my trial ended, I did not get such an offer. But this was 2 years ago, maybe somebody more recently can let you know if that's changed.


    I also got the $20 offer to get Amazon Prime, even though I already have it. I wonder if they will give it to me anyways (I can always dream!).

  8. I personally would say it depends. What type of a house is it? Has most of the house been brought to this century? Also what type of decor/feel does the house have?


    We live in a cabin, we have recently painted the walls a color similar to eggshell -- so those tan wall switches/covers match the wall perfect. The entire house is bronze hardware and our trim is dark walnut, but the house doesn't seem dated because it matches the decor of the house (that kitchen sink on the other hand :)). I would strongly suggest you post photos of some of your fixtures and wall outlets/room decor to get general public opinion, its possible your realtor is seeing a real need or they might be giving you "general" advice that doesn't always apply to every house.


    But definitely replace/fix anything broken and make sure the fixtures match throughout... If you've redone half the house, than certainly go ahead and finish the rest!

  9. People can't fathom that 2 people will look at the same exact article/video/research and come out with different conclusions, even on a message board about homeschooling which has the same exact tension between mothers on the subject, they just simply cannot accept that others choose another route.


    My BIL just had his baby at a hospital and though the birth process is not what I would have wanted for myself, I was able to experience the environment. I declared that for the safety of the nurses/staff/doctor, it was best that I had or will stay home to birth so that I would not be in litigation for some strange act I may possibly commit against someone trying or doing something against my will.


    Hopefully those naysayers about now are thinking we are crazy as heck and will drop it!

  10. I have to be honest that I would be very unhappy if my daughter chose to homebirth, especially "freebirth." but my libertarian streak complicates my view. The stats for homebirth are bad when you compare apples to apples, but free choice and all... Further complicating matters is that it is that the baby is not given a choice. When is seeking no medical intervention child endangering? Obviously I am conflicted. I don't blame mothers for freaking out abt homebirths, but it is none of their business. If a child dies via free or homebirth, a comparable to hospital investigation should be conducted. Full disclosure: one of my four children would be dead if I had hb with him, he needed immediate nicu intervention at birth, which was a surprise.


    I'm pretty sure the OP is looking for support. :confused:


    Suffice to say, I think you need to do more research on this subject so that you are better antiquated with stats and/or the choices of other mothers making an informed decision for the baby, themselves, and their family's -- regardless of whether they decide to birth at home, birthing center, or hospital. Which I support all three, because I feel a mother should birth where she feels the safest (if medically possible).

  11. That is your first mistake, your trying to convince her your not crazy. Life goes much easier when they just lose hope on you, really :) Don't try to convince someone who you cannot convince. The less youtell the better, your not dealing with rational thought, but emotions and a mother's worry!


    This! 100%... In all aspects of your life it is a good policy for people who insist on NOT letting you live your life, with the choices you've made for yourself and family. Far better for them to just call you crazy and give up on you, than what appears to be such a stressful situation!


    1st HB I do remember a lot of questions, but by the second HB, what could they say since the first worked out? I would probably distance myself from anyone trying to cast bad thoughts at me during preggo time, only happy thoughts please!


    I have always taken paths that are the opposite of the norm. I swear I don't do this on purpose, but it has run me into some quite interesting conversations. I think after I started homeschooling, the final straw was dropped for many of my family members and I am officially the craziest person in the family! :lol: Welcome to the Looney Tunes Bunch!

  12. The cherry one piece is the exact suit I've been drooling over! Is it comfy? Good support?


    The support is excellent, the best I've had ever in a baithing suit... wasn't quite expecting it, but it feels like an underwire bra but very comfortable and no underwire. It holds my double D's up nice and snug in a size 8 suit and they have no chance of falling out (problem with so many baithing suits, even my bras!). Full coverage on the backside and nice tight fit on the tummy! The cut is different on the hips, but it also covers more which is what I wanted with my stretch marks.


    I got this suit for this summer after watching it go in and out of stock for a few months.................... but now I'm possibly expecting a new bean by next Feb :001_wub:.................... so there's a good chance I won't be wearing it as much as I thought I would be in the next foreseeable year.

  13. We have one about 15 minutes away and go all summer! It is great when you have babies especially, but of course as they get older we only go to kid-friendly movies. They've fixed up the playground over the years, so it is huge and we have 3 screens, and a lot of movie choices. They usually do 2 movies for the price of one, but you have to be willing to stay up pretty late.


    They still use their old-school movie count down and voices to announce the movie and during the breaks. It's kinda cool they didn't upgrade since it has a cool vibe.

  14. It think it has to do about the reason you are returning. If you just ordered the wrong thing, wrong color, just don't like it, then you pay shipping. If they sent the wrong thing, defective, etc, then they pay for return shipping.


    Yes, this is what I've experienced. The one time I knew I didn't want the product before it arrived, I refused it before they delivered it, so it was returned free of charge. Otherwise, I've just kept the item and resold it directly on Amazon.com so the buyer paid the shipping.


    A few times I've accidentally added an item to my shopping cart twice. It put a quantity of 2, instead of 1. Without realizing this on checkout, I bought 2 of something I've only needed 1 of. If you ever do this, they won't pay for shipping back to them.


    Yes, the best! These guys are thick and stay on tight. They don't break when you try to use them either. Plus there are a ton of them! Didn't realize how many I was buying till they got here, but on the plus side I won't ever be in need of a pencil eraser. :lol:

  16. Another WP Family here. Started using them in K year... we have done AW, AS1, AS2, Advanced K LA, & LA1. Love all the literature and non-fiction books they have and some of their exclusives. Best part is my library is fully stocked with most of their choices too. I think if you are a box checker, you might have trouble because they put in tons of options and ideas for you to cover and its just not possible to do them all. At the point we are at, we do all the reading and maybe 1 project or less a week. I have created my own narration pages and we also do the timelines weekly.


    We do best with history 2-3 times a week as a sit down subject, while doing our reading at different times throughout the day, and usually we just read one book at a time. Basically we don't follow the schedule at all. I am finding I prefer to create my own schedule, which I will start to do from here on out to make the year go by easier.


    This next year I wanted to do CATW, however its not really meant for a K'r so I went about making my own schedule and will plugin CATW resources as I see fit. There is a lot of planning for this program right now on the WP forums and its been a great help since I'm flying solo this next year.


    I think it all depends on how much you depend on a schedule telling you what to do. I have never been able to stick to the "read pages x-x on day 1" thing. I just read and stop when we want to, so the schedule for us was always sort of a suggestion. :)

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