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Posts posted by Brigitte

  1. Isn't that funny....as a WORKING mom, *I* feel like an oddity. Especially among other homeschooling moms.


    I always feel like people (often here) judge me harshly, and make assumptions that I"m only working because we're the greedy, selfish parents of an only child and want to fuel some extravagant lifestyle. (Ha! nothing could be further from the truth.)


    I can't tell you how hurtful it is to read comments (again, here, mostly) from someone who doesn't know the first thing about me, my family or our situation yet feels perfectly justified in asserting that women like me don't really NEED to work.


    I like to work. I want to have some retirement income. I want to feel somewhat secure in the knowledge that if something should happen to my dh, I could make the mortgage payment after our emergency fund ran out. And truthfully, no one knows how far that emergency fund will actually go if medical bills, etc. are suddenly a concern.


    So am I the only one? Working moms--- give us a shout!




    I am right there with you, Astrid. Can you imagine how I am feeling on this board these days when I tell you that I am Realtor? Talk about feeling like a total reject around here. I went to work when it was clear that dh could not make enough to support us anymore. This is not a case of want to, it is a case of have to.


    I really try to make it a rule in my life that I won't judge others for making choices that I wouldn't make, because you never really know the real reason those people have made that choice.

  2. I pumped exclusively for 1 year for my preemie twins. By the time they were about 8 months, I was down to pumping 4 times a day (none in the middle of the night). I did not have a supply problem. My goal had been to get them to 1 year corrected age (1 year from their due date), but I could not make it 12+ more weeks. I figured 12 months with that pump was pretty darn good. So, I totally understand how you feel. Maybe if you cut back to 4 times a day, you will feel like you can make it to the 1 year mark. If you can't, keep in mind that you pumped far longer than most and you should be proud of pumping as long as you have. No guilt.

  3. I'm sorry. I wish there was something to say that will make this all easier, but there isn't. My ILs are not doing well, but my dh and his sister sit around with their heads in the sand. No one says what needs to be said, so my MIL is making terrible decisions. At least your dh and his sisters are taking charge of the situation. Hugs to you, though.....

  4. I have a pair of Newports that I have had for at least 6 years. They have held up very nicely and I don't forsee getting rid of them any time soon. My mom just bought me a pair of the La Paz thongs. I can't wear flip flops because of a cyst between the joint of my big toe and my second toe, but I can wear these. One of my twins wears Keen Mary Janes and boots all fall and winter. We are big fans of Keens in this house.

  5. I think calling a little one JoJo is fine. My nephew Joseph was Joey as a little boy and became Joe as he got older. I suspect the same would apply in your case. For the girl's name, I would use Isabelle for the middle name. You are still honoring the family member, but avoiding the "Disney" effect of just plain Belle. I love the name Sophia and would have used it, but there was a family with whom we had daily contact who had a Sophia nearly the same age. But, where we live now, I know of only one Sophia and she is a woman my age.We went with Lillian instead (calling her Lily). There were no Lilys around. Then we moved here and there are so many Lilys that my dd went through a phase of wanting to be called Lillian. I think the popularity of a particular name is regional and would not let a "national" list sway me.

  6. I'm sorry about Bear. I bet it has to do with over exerting himself in the heat and then drinking a whole bunch of water to rehydrate. Will he eat rice or boiled chicken? I would try rice with a little chicken broth and see if he finds that appealing.


    If it is any consolation, my dog is now sporting a diaper because he is having trouble with leaking pee. He has been on a super duper $3.50 per pill) anitbiotic now for almost 3 weeks and has a week left to go. No improvement so far.


    Pet troubles are the pits. :grouphug:

  7. When I have stuff that I am worried about, night time can be especially hard. Just not having the day light can affect people. Try and stay busy with things to do to unwind. After the kiddies have gone to bed, read, take a nice bath, PRAY. Praying has helped me so much. I find that the older I get I realize how much I really need God and how much prayer makes me feel better. My relationship with God has become closer too as a result.

    If I'm in bed and stewing on something, I pray until I fall asleep. Everything always looks better in the morning! Hope this helps. YOu have responded to me in the past and have helped me. Thanks.



    :iagree: When I give up to God through prayer what it bothering me, I feel so much better and those problems seem to take care of themselves. :grouphug:

  8. :grouphug::grouphug:


    It'll be worth it. I believe loving someone is always worth the risk of a broken heart. Grief comes and sits with you for a while, but love stays and stays, even when the object of that love leaves.


    How tender and caring of you.


    :iagree: Thank you for showing that dog that not all people are IDIOTS.

  9. Congratulations! I have twin girls who will be 11 in July. My girls were very preemie (27.5 weekers), so I have no advice really for full-term babies. I kept them on the same schedule they were on in the NICU, which made the first year pretty easy. I also didn't have any other kids at home....I guess the best advice I can offer is to accept help as it is given and just take things as they come.

  10. For very nice, but not fancy food I recommend Tupelo Honey, Early Girl Eatery, and Bouchon (French comfort food - my favorite restaurant in Asheville). Table was my favorite fancy restaurant there. And, if you like lobster, The Lobster Trap had the best lobster I had eaten since leaving RI. All of these are downtown.

  11. Seriously. I already spent part of my Friday night reading the toilet cleaning thread. It's Saturday and I just caught myself reading it again.


    Some weekend. :lol:


    :lol: Well, I am spending my Saturday night on the boards listening to disco music on Pandora. The earphones and music cover up the sound of dh spitting sunflower seeds while he watches baseball on his computer. Yep, living large this weekend and all weekends. :tongue_smilie:

  12. :iagree::iagree:

    Us too!! Only, I am afraid I am too burnt out to care whether I give it attention or not. Right now...I wish he would give me less attention....and focus on his own issues and let me focus on mine. Being reminded constantly that I am scatter brained or I forgot something, or I am grouchy doesn't help. Right now... I am just trying to keep my distance until I have the energy to work on the relationship. If I can't...I can't. And right now,....I just can't....sigh......


    :iagree: and :grouphug:

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