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Pam H

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Posts posted by Pam H

  1. Hi

    He could not read Apologia's General Science. He could read most of the words and have NO idea what he had just read. Then last year, I happened upon AGS Publishing Physical Science and he loved it.



    And did quite well with it.


    What science have you used up until now, and what stood out as the "easy" versus "hard" elements of that/those program(s) ?


    I know, I know. Don't answer a question with another question ! . . . just thinking that if readers knew what, besides reading level, you might want to enfold to the decision, you might receive more precise suggestions.

  2. Long time tennis fan here....


    Long time Federer fan. I was really happy to see him finally able to claim the unofficial title "Best Tennis Player" who has ever played the game. Winning 15 titles..... WOW!!!


    I am a Roddick fan and am SO happy to see him playing this well. He has NOTHING to be sad about! He will do well at the US Open!


    I did miss the match. :glare: I wish they played the Gentlemen's Final on a day other than Sunday.

  3. Hi, I don't usually post, but your heading caught my eye and had to say....


    We are thick in the middle of what you are describing now. I have 6 boys and they have ALL had this virus. We took the first one in, the doc said it was viral and to wait it out.


    I've got it now. I can tell you that my throat has never hurt like it has the last four days. It isn't very red at all, my eyes are matted in the morning, coughing so hard it hurts, runny nose (finally). But we all had a low grade fever. Like about 100.5.


    Of course, since you haven't visited my family. ;) Your ds may have strep. I would take him in, just for the peace of mind.

  4. Has she been tested for blood clotting disorders? Through a strange course of events, my family was tested for clotting disorders and all of us have at least one.


    My dh and my older two kids have one known as Factor V Leiden. I know that this can contribute to miscarriages. I'm thankful we found out when my dd was only 9 so that she will be able to tell her doctor about it ahead of time once she's married and thinking about babies.


    Just another thought....



    I have had 6 miscarriages and six children. When I was in my 12th pregnancy, the dr dx me with FVL. I also have another blood-clotting factor; MTHFR (or something like that). With that pregnancy, I had heparin therapy for the FVL and extra folic acid for the MTHFR.


    It is hereditary and can only be dx with a blood test. The blood test has only been perfected in the last 10 years.

  5. I am in a quandry, ladies. I really don't know if I'm dealing with a combination of puberty and testosterone poisoning <ha> with character flaws or if this is an issue with my younger son.


    My 9.5 yos is annoying my older three boys. Not just a little, but to the point of destroying my 9yo's self esteem. He has been attacked so severely by his older brothers that I have honestly considered sending him to the ps.


    I have talked and talked to the older three. They see the error of their ways and can't seem to help themselves. It's not a joint effort, it is individualized contact. But, it is across the board! None of them can "stand" his comments or presence. This makes me so sad.


    The younger ds has always been highly intelligent. He knew his abc's by 18mos, etc. He seemed to change overnight right at K (his MMR shot? - I think) All of a sudden he was very clingy and sensitive. He required schedules and rituals. He wants to fit in in every way. He cannot bear to be wrong about anything. He tries to be "as old" as his brothers and other boys his brothers' ages.


    So, what am I dealing with? What would you do?

  6. I have so been there! We have not yet started on OT b/c of cost and age, but.... I was worried about vitamins and how to get them in him. I finally found a yummy multi-vitamin, I had to work up to the full dose, but we are there now and all is well. :001_smile: This is a powdered vitamin that I mix into his juice. Now this company has just come out with three different varieties of the same multi. Multi with digestive enzymes; multi with probiotics; and multi with free radical protection. Send me a pm if you are interested in the particulars!

  7. If money is an issue, see if the public school will do testing for a learning disability. That should get you a WISC-IV free, which is an expensive test, and also the test you most need done.


    The other thing that I would recommend is a reading tutor, at least for a while to get you started on the right track.





    Thanks for answering.


    Tell me what WISC stands for. I'm assuming that IV is 4. Money, as always, is an issue. My dh is leaning toward letting this go, we are dealing with special expensive needs in younger brothers. I'm determined to be this boy's champion.


    Will you be my reading tutor? :001_smile:

  8. Here's the background on my 12yo ds.


    We took him to a very reputible Dev Opt today. My speech therapist highly recommended him. They tested him up and down and sideways. He is perfect, the doctor said. :glare: Suggested tinted lenses, gave us a script.


    He had ds do a little exercise with writing a word in the air, then spelling it without the prefix, then without another couple of letters, etc. He had him spell it backwards. He could do all that. He'll be able to spell 'industrious' for the rest of his life. :lol:


    The dr said that ds is a global learner. This is the second person I've had tell me that. What do I do with a global learner? Where should I go with this child?

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