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Bookworm Mom

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Posts posted by Bookworm Mom

  1. I bought the Musiq Journey level 1 and keyboard and I have mixed feelings. We have issues with the computer communicating with the keyboard at times and software is okay. We haven't given it as much time as we should so that is about all I can tell you.

    Hopefully someone will have more experience with it and can be of more help.

  2. PP gave EXCELLENT advice. My yellow lab is the sweetest calmest thing UNTIL we are in public. I took her for show and tell and got kicked out of the school :lol: She wouldnt stop barking and running over the kids. I have 3 kids and she has never knocked one over or even come near to it here. She gets psychotic when out. Its so weird how they can have an alter personality come out when they are so laid back. Thankfully she is an angel here and we just dont take her anywhere. :)



    This is our dog as well. She is 3.5 year old Springer Spaniel. I think we ruined her by not getting enough socialization when she was young as we are kind of home bodies. I'll be watching some of those videos to see if anything looks like it will help her/us.

  3. Thanks!


    I think it was Teaching the Classics. I had forgotten about Reading Strands....


    Can anyone compare the three (Classics in the Classroom, Teaching the Classics, and Reading Strands)?


    I have Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus for each level my girls are at but am looking for something that I can use with more books or with any book.

  4. For something totally different: I have done this twice now and both moms loved it and told me they were stealing the idea.


    We send a big order from Omaha Steaks. Full meals so that they don't have to cook they can just eat.


    My girlfriend's mom asked if she had a baby would I please send the same gift to her...I said if she could pull that off....


    We get a big discount through a corporate program but something along the same lines but maybe less pricey (or more if you go organic)...food...would be my suggestion.

  5. I don't have any data to support this, but having worked in academentia -- oops, I mean academia -- for 10 years, I have a sneaky suspicion that parents want to be able to say, "My child goes to such-and-so," when everyone knows that tuition there is a kazillion dollars. In other words, it's like driving an expensive car or having a flashy house or whatever. A status thing. So slashing tuition 50% won't necessarily be a selling point to a certain segment of the population.


    Golly. I'm sounding a little jaded, aren't I?


    I think you're right about football and alumni.

    :iagree:and I am related to people who will do this. Send their kids to the most expensive schools just so they can keep up with their social circle.
  6. We have the opportunity to join a public school program that would have us use Odysseyware at home and would pay for our wonderful co-op classes. We'd be required to just take one class and test yearly.


    I am looking into Odysseyware and not sure what it is that is making me not love it.


    Does anyone here have any experience with it? I'd love to have our co-op classes paid for!

  7. Has anyone here been to the Oregon Coast Aquarium and have tips for a great trip?


    We have been in OR for 4 years now and are finally wanting to travel somewhere other than California/Illinois.


    We'd like to go to Newport and visit the aquarium and do whatever else is fun out there. Where to stay and what to do are eluding me.


    Also, we'd like to get to Whistler, BC (before or after the Olympics...I am not one for crowds:) And really have no idea about the area.


    So I appeal to this group, who always seems to have knowledge of every place, to share what you will with me.


    Thank you!



  8. We had a huge bathroom mirror fall off the wall in a rental house when my 12 year old was about 2. It was about 20 minutes before her usual bath time. We were so thankful that it happened when it did and not when we all in there. No one had to touch the thing--we guessed maybe enough glue hadn't been used when it was installed.


    Very glad no one was hurt in your shatter experience either :)

  9. We live outside Portland, Oregon. Our neighbor across the court goes to Washington and buys all the big fireworks that are illegal here and sets them off in our court until late into the night...towards our 5 acres of forest. Thank goodness we get so much rain!!


    I used to love 4th of July...now I can't wait for it be over every year.

  10. We have been using Saxon for years at the pace of about a lesson a day every day.


    Major burn out set in so I added in Life of Fred for a change of pace and a little dose of "math can be fun."


    We are now alternating a day of Saxon with a day of Life of Fred and sometimes just taking a day off to play.


    Don't know if that is any help but I do feel that three days a week, if it works for you is fine. I am of the there is no rush camp. If only my kids would join me :)

  11. Life of Fred Fractions:


    My dd (age 7) is using this and on p. 74 in the "your turn to play" section:


    3. The "number of the beast" as mentioned in the Book of Revelation is 666. What is peculiar is that when 666 is written in Roman numerals, it uses all the basic symbols except M. Express 666 in Roman numerals.


    I about fell out of my chair! She was clueless and just did the problem. I still like the program...just can't stand this type of thing in a math book!


    Haven't seen anything in the decimals book that has made me cringe in quite the same way.



    Lise (who is pretty new here and loving these boards)

  12. Hi, I am Lise. A mother to two girls (11 and 7) who has been homeschooling in a classically eclectic (is that the right term?) style since 2003. We are living outside of Portland, Oregon and loving all that this area offers homeschoolers.


    I am absolutely loving the threads here. So much to read and so many perspectives represented.


    Oh, and as my name implies, I love to read and spend as much time as I can with a book in my hand.

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